Show ancient anil and modern greeks Greck si of european nations tile the greeks creeks have been 1011 longest gest settled in ill their brkl allt territory the bull bulk of tile inhabitants ini i of greece attlio atthe are ints of the lie people gahol minnows minn aud and custo customs inq ate aie described in ill the of homer IIo iDer the Ili ul anil and tile lie mya viere nero leuly lit iu eight I 1 centuries before clarit Cl irit and alky are probably older they iiSe ture 1 stale ot of ety ol of still bilglio so that the nation lutious iho aliu are as engaged lit in tile sie e of aroy hillst have lave at least ai it m I 1 ca r ago afo but tle people are re sell tell as called sll lil across fr froia the pell inn in n iii hi ula iula now dow called tile Itoi ei others front froni the joins of alie 1111 0 corinthian o rin thian rulf gulf iven even it at thia ancle Lr L i period tile flecks described do as sarun flirting sj run ing froin riba all earth areli art li naich siciely means that ther senu origin dated bak to a remote jauriqui ty whether they really foil forsht ht a war with the trojans 1 is not ot material it is certain tint homers ale air nearly thirty centuries old and I 1 allt the greeks greek were living in greece recce before ills time no other anio penn nation can claim lim uch an all early origin |