Show the cutting in tile lie bicycle trade followed by failures which me lie apt to lend lead to still lower prices Is not likely to prove an all unmixed evil to my any one least of all to those who are lit in the lie trade the causes making such results inevitable are clear tile the enormous increase in ili the demand is loading lending to an all unintelligent attempt nt at supply know liow to make a good bicycle fire are doing it without having had time to learn the market consequently they are arc demoralizing the market this continue of bouise until a sufficient number dumber of failures nt at tile the light time lime anti and lit in the light place puts the business on a business bials the principal cause however hoi Never Is that bl bicycles eyles are still too high they tire are destined to lie used universally and every article of universal use must lr lit sold ata small profit in staples great fortunes are doi neel or suddenly acquired by legitimate business methods method the bicycle has become a staple and it ii must lie ile made and dealt in on oil that basis but no DO other trade has a bettor better assured future your four years ago wheels were sold by tile hundred where abere they are now sold by the ten len thousand as they will IN III be by the hundred thousand 1 lit in a few years more this seems to lie ile absolutely certain nor does it seem lees certain ertain that they must le be greatly cheaper he apor those N who ho have money in 1 osted lit in them cannot afford to leave i I 1 either point unconsidered I 1 |