Show the congo state in the past year spent and its receipts including advanced beally by belgium Ho lium were soule some too was as spent on the military force it in the congo state the deficit of GO is a serious one but it is hoped that th lt it will be reduced when the railroad from tidewater around tile the rapids or of the congo river shall have been completed it lias has been delayed for colue years for want of fun funis funds Is but steps have been becat taken recently to add tile the small mileage necessary to brin bring the whole vi loll line into use ilse the present trad or of tile state Is expected expect ed tu to be increased laige ly by improved f facilities at the lower end of the allier alint gives name to tile the country I 1 in I 1 1 1 goud worth were Impo imported rifA over liala being front cotton stuffs old suns ammunition lo lokoto komo lives iad and railroad material matoi matet ial N mere c the chief lt clems 1118 imports Im from tile the congo state were some 2 A 00 1 ivory ilinka making 1 aig half of this amount but fiut ivory I 1 k 1 learly early becoming scarcer care pr anil reliance illace will hereafter allive to lie placed more upon ulion indin india palin oil and other like druple il prod ulLis |