Show lettuce celery grapefruit grape fruit and oranges fresh fish twice a week finest kind of fresh meats we your patronage I 1 WILSON BROTHERS meat market and general J 41 A good place to trade RANDOLPH rh GARAGE randolph utah start the new year right have your car greased at regular intervals regular saves 80 percent of repair bills and gives your car a geater turn in value 0 o the first national bank j i evanston wyoming welcomes your business I 1 more than 56 years of continued service to this community t 0 o 52 the red r white store for Olia quality lity groceries use red and white brand 48 lb ib bag purity flour FOR FOP SALE typewriter practically new mv standard make at a bargain lure alii 1500 GLINT CLINT mckinnon ady adv F fab eb 2027 20 27 I 1 0 rich mich co furn co general merchandise V home of philco radios fastest selling most ost popular radio on the market today to day let us demonstrate demon strate in your home 1931 models now ready A baby grand 7 tube screen grid 0 complete baby grand console consol e 7 tube screen grid complete low boy 7 tube screen sc reen grid complete combination phonograph radio complete super low boy 11 tube screen grid complete sold small down payment balance 12 monthly installments you cant afford to be without a radio aradio at these prices ww w the T he T union jr nion 0 bus leaves runs the FARES ON UNION BUS to OUT OF EVANSTON union mont bus fares from evanston sion to pacifica pacific randolph wooI 85 pelier laketown Lake town trl aan depot JL epOl garden gaiden city idaho Ui dIlU TC montpelier idaho evans jovans to ogden utah via to salt lake city r 1 ton to los angeles calif 2080 rand to neb 2345 i wyo ya to chicago III olph 1 the bus bug line running ff through ran i every favi ay dolph connects with the alie big union and a tin iy aim a im bus g their station in evanston Is ig at morn abe elk alafe br bear ing lake AAA NOTICE the annual meeting of the randolph woodruff canal company will be held friday feb 27 1931 at 2 p m at the courthouse the financial report of the secretary will be read and any other business bu iness that may come before the meeting joseph E hatch president arch mckinnon secretary t |