Show six ix hot dogs save two men from hungry bear reading pa six valiant little hot dogs received credit tor for saving the lives ot 01 two men from a 0 ferocious bear the story of the unfortunate lorida florida reed birds was told by daniel F hagen of east reading on his return fro from m nn an expedition into the Never neversink sink mountain region for herbs used in making a medicinal tea flagen was accompanied by joseph fox and peter keppley brothers ln in law fox injured in an accident recently remained in the car while his friends climbed over the rocky slopes lopes near Klapp erthal glen where the car was parked the tea te i hunters were intent on their quest when a big lean hungry looking black beer bear burst from the underbrush a few feet away his purpose was plain blagen said lie ile regarded the two men as so much ment meat on the table the men departed tn in frantic leaps the bear snorting hopefully at their heels beets at this juncture the little hot dogs came into the picture hagen had been carrying them in his pocket for lunch ripping oft off the paper flagen cost cast the liot hot dogs la in the bears path the halted in his big tracks and devoured levou red them |