Show swine sanitation and correct feed for pork sanitation rind coding balanced rations to sons pl puffs s and fat telling hogs took rook SIS sl beeks off the pork production product lon period for r 4 illinois ill not fa this year states 14 M 1 1 if 1 robbins nob hins university of illinois tile the earlier market Is tile better one and the oll Terence in price six weeks earlier curlier may make tile the 11 ettor ITer ence in profit and loss on 01 ho tile the co operators used corn beguine pasture rape r ipe alfalfa hay aklin mill soy ben beans ns tan kuge oil time stone bone meal and stilt salt in corn coin pounding their rations with their sanitation and good rations partners fart ners were crp able to produce pound hogs in six months ii inis or less time many qt of the pigs pig went ent on the market in mid september Septon to lilt lill the peak or of KOOI good prices |