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Show THE RICH COUNTY REAPER, RANDOLPH, UTAH THE RICH COUNTY REAPER Utah, under the Act of Mar. 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year in Advance Wm. E. Marshall, Editor and Prop. matter Feb. Entered as second-clas- s 8, 1929, at the post office Randolph, . MINERAL . NEEDS FOR SWINE HERD , Interesting Experiments Are Made at Ohio Station. . The mineral requirements of pigs has been a subject of much experimental work and some controversy for several years. The Ohio station makes the following brief report on some work done to test out the effectiveness of several substances commonly used in mineral mixtures: Feeding investigations with swine during the year included a test to study the effect of adding various minerals to the simple mixture of salt 1 part, limestone 2 parts, and raw bone meal 2 parts. This mixture and the various additional minerals were fed with a ration of corn and soy bean oil meal, which is known to be deficient in minerals. Glauber's salts, which is a laxative, was fed at the rate of 10 pounds in each 100 pounds of the mixture. The salts did not increase the rapidity of growth but brought about a slight saving in feed for each 100 pounds of gain produced. Wood charcoal, to the extent of 15 per cent of the mineral mixture, resulted in neither faster nor cheaper gains. Potassium iodide, in the limited amount of .05 pound to every 100 pounds of minerals, proved to be beneficial. It is used as a preventive of of goiter, and under some conditions seems to have a place in mineral mixtures for growing pigs. Copperas, or iron sulphate, was used as a source of iron and fed at the rate of 2 pounds in each 100 pounds of minerals. The pigs receiving it made .2 pound more gain daily a head, and consumed 52.5 pounds less feed fo: each 100 pounds of gain than those on the same ration without the copperas. Prevent Dust in Hog Houses to Aid Health During winter months when bogs are more tightly housed, dust from bouses with dirt Boors becomes an increasing annoyance. Dust from the soil, the dried droppings, and old bedding rises as the hogs move about It not only olTends the nostrils of the man caring for the swine but can also become detrimental to the health of the hogs themselves. Ventilation of houses does not always eliminate this dust. It is possible, In addition, to check the trouble at its source. Simply clean the floors before cold weather and pour old crank case oil over them. It does not require any great quantity. Merely enough to absorb the thin top layer of dust. As bedding is changed during the winter an additional small amount of the oil can be spread on the floor after the old bedding has been removed and before the new bedding has been put in.. Crossbred Hogs Led in Gains Made in 18 Trials . Pruning Helps Quality of Fruit Profits Depend on Apples of Uniform Size and Good Color. Pruning as a part of the management program in an apple orchard does not always increase the number of bushels to the tree, .but it does make a difference in the quantity which will grade ont as apples. Profits From an Orchard. "The profits from an apple orchard always depend on the number of baskets, boxes or barrels which contain apples of uniform size, and free from blemishes, says H. R. NIswonger, extension horticulturist at the North Carolina State college. .'Thick, bushy trees afford protection to insects and diseases and shield them from contact with spray materials. The highest percentage oft cull apples is nearly always harvested from that part of the tree which has not been thinned or is left nnpruned. Apple trees of this kind should be opened up so that it will be easy to cover the fruit and leaves in all parts of the tree." Cost of Pruning. As to cost of pruning, Mr. says two orchards in the Brushy mountains, one containing 3,500 trees and the other 600 trees, spent $57.75 and $8.75, respectively, a year daring the past two years. The trees in the first orchard were from eight to twenty years of age and the latter from six to fourteen years old. These costs cover the labor in hauling the brush from the orchard as well as the actual work of pruning. The main object in pruning a bearing apple tree is to maintain a top, and the even distribution of fruit spurs. In the young tree, the purpose is to develop a top that will fruit uniformly, says Mr. Niswonger. first-cla- ss well-colore- d Nis-wong- er well-balanc- well-balanc- Early Plow for Wheat Will Increase Yield Early plowing for wheat is one of the biggest factors in increasing wheat yields, says W. C. Shotwell of the Missouri College of Agriculture. This has been proven over a period of years by the experiment stations and farmers in both Missouri and Kansas. There has often been as much as five bushels difference in yield of wheat on early and late plowing where all other soil treatments and cultural practices were the same. A decrease of one bushel per acre for each week that plowing is delayed may be expected. Early plowing conserves available plant food by preventing the growth of weeds which would use up this plant food. These weeds turned under later would not have time to decay so that this plant food could be liberated. The lack of an abundance of plant food to give the young wheat plants a good start on making a vigorous growth before winter often causes much loss from winter killing. Feeding Experiments Directed at Missouri The Missouri agricultural experiment station reports a series of feeding experiments. In one case the hens were given all the corn, oats, bran, shorts and cornmeal they would consume. but on these rations they were able to, produce only 60 eggs in a years time. It required 9.3 pounds of feed to produce a dozen eggs. Now when identically the same rations were fed, but in addition three gallons of liquid skim milk or 1 pounds of commercial meat scrap was added to the daily ration of 100 hens, the egg production was more than doubled and the feed required to produce a dozen eggs was reduced nearly Crossbred swine led in daily gains trials at the Kentucky station. This tallies with feeding trials conducted by Evvard at Ames. Gain figures secured at Kentucky are: On 67 IJerkshires, 1.38 pounds daily; on 85 Durocs, 1.57; on 22 Poland Chinas. 1.59; on 20 crossbreds, 1.6. These figures are in no sense a re- ' By adding 88 pounds of milk or 6 flection on the value of pure breds, for of meat scrap to the yearly rapounds it is necessary to have two pure breds each hen from 5 to 6 extra for tion to produce crossbred pigs. were produced. While the dozen eggs These results are not in accord with cost of the ration amounted to extra station. Illinois those secured at the 30 cents per hen per year, the extra Experiments carried on there for five produced were worth ajt least five years show no evidence of faster or eggs the extra expense. times more economical gains from cross breeding. So, theres two for and Use Electric Heat on one against. in 18 feeding one-hal- f. Michigan Truck Farms Live Stock Hints Night stabling is to be recommended during the time horses are being conditioned for spring work. March and September are probably the best months for the sow to farrow that produces two litters a year. There Is a feeling that because many people do not like Iamb, tbe feeding of sheep is a very precarious practice. This sentiment should be dropped. Truck and nursery farms in Michigan are using electric heat to force their plants with quite astonishing results, according to reports from Detroit. After several months of development and experiment,, a low wattage element has been designed which pings Into a convenient outlet connection and is being used by truck farms for seed germinating, propagating, cutting bench and outdoor hotbed. During the spring season an electric element of this type in an outdoor hotbed prevented freezing of the plants iwhen neighboring hotbeds of the nonelectric variety were frosted. Measures Demanding Intermoiintam News Attention in Legislature Briefly Told for Busy Readers AUTO ACCIDENT FATAL. Tax measures, unemployment relief plans and school questions are demanding tbe attention of the Utah Legislature. Following are important measures introduced in the two branches of the lawmaking body. A letter to your senator or representative will bring a complete copy of any bill you would like to examine in--, detail. S. B. 33, Hunt Uniform vehicle BOYS ARE AKMINDED. IDAHO SHIPPING FOOD. COLLEGE IS DEFENDANT BOISE, IDA. Lawrnece E. Baker, 19, of Boise, died of injuries received in an auto accident here. Five others were injured in tbe smash-u- p and all were taken to hospitals. BRIGHAM CITY, UT. Box El- traffic act der high school shop boys and mechanical drawing students have organized a glider club and are constructing a glider. IDA. The Red POCATELLO, Cross of Bannock county is forwarding several car loads of vegetables to the drouth sufferers in Arkansas. LOGAN, UT. The Logan Dairymens association, has filed suit against the Utah state agricultural college to prevent the college from buying or selling milk in competition with private dairymen. S. B. 34, Welling h SALT LAKE CITY, UT. The Salt Lake division of the Southern Pacific railroad has been awarded the annual safety record banner for 1930, according to advices from the company officials In San Francisco. RICHMOND, UT. The dairy interests of this vicinity will hold a stock show early in the month of May. ' BURLEY, IDA. A drinking or stew party is alleged to have caused the deaths of Fred Hurley and Harve Wilson, both around fifty years of age. It is said that radiator alcohol and canned heat were included in the list of beverages used. IDA. A rod GRANGEVILLE, and gun club to preserve wild life and to be county wide in scope has been organized here. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. A list of thirty applications will be heard at the next meeting of the board of R. A. DeWItt, serving a life sentence for beating his wife to death is to apply for release. pardons. Licensing o1 aircraft and airpilots. S. B. 35, Huggins Permitting citizens to appeal to courts from orders of securities commission. S. B. 36, Booth Creating municipal shade tree commission. S. B. 37, Fowles Permitting one mill levy for dependand ent poor. one-ha- The magic wand of prosperity is within your grasp. These are some of the things that the support of local industries will help the people of loyal communities to acquire. These Brands are Intcrmountaia Made and deserve your support. lf S. B. 38, Fowles Permitting levies for dependent, emergency ent poor. S. B. 39, Shields Permitting testamentary disposition of property by deed. S. B. 40, Shields, by request Permitting cities to license auction- BURLEY, IDA. Over one thousand chipmunks have been poisoned during the past few months. ROCK SPRINGS, WYO. Contract on the stretch of 13.78 miles of Lincoln highway between here and Green River has been awarded and work is to begin at an early date. A bridge Is to constructed over Bitter creek at a cost of nearly $6,000. BOISE, IDA. An increase . in the grand total number of sheep, swine, beef and dairy cattle in Idaho is shown in the annual livestock report of the federal statistician. The number of horses decreased 5 per cent, while mules held their regular quota. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Tentative plans for planting green peas for canning in Utah in 1931 indicate a 40 per cent reduction in acreage from that harvested last year, according to a report issued by the department of agriculture, division of crop estimates. Tbe estimated Utah crop for this year will be 7840 acres, compared with 13,070 acres in 1930. ELY, NEV. Lehman Caves, near line may become a the Nevada-Utaunit in the zone of the southern Utah area of scenic . wonders, and to them by a federal connected built highway as a result of the local chamber of mines and commerce in taking an option to purchase the caves and equipment of same. The ultimate objective of the commerce chamber being the passing of ownership to the federal government. NEPHI, UT. Juab stake, tabernacle wUl be remodelled at an approximate cost of ten thousand dollars. PAROWAN, UT. The city water supply is being increased by the addition of the Five Mile spring water to the system through six hundred feet of new pipe line. POCATELLO, IDA. Nearly one hundred thousand fleeces from the 1931 clip have been pledged through the Eastern Idaho Wool Marketing association offices here in exchange for loans approximating from the federal farm $90,000 board according to the secretary 6f the association. BEAVER, UT. A big celebration will be held here in July to observe 75th anniversary of the founding of the city. NEPHI, UT. Local egg grading plant opened with celebration and much enthusiasm. IDA. After a BLACKFOOT, plea of guilty to voluntary manslaughter in connection with the death at Arco Septembr 12 of Joe Parra, a Mexican, Sam Burton, 56, was sentenced to serve one to ten years in the state penitentiary. v Hewletts Jams Home Fruit Home Sugar Home Labor eers. Clarifying the regard to water ex- S. B. 41, Booth law with changes. Best Quality Booth Distributing one seventh of the proceeds of the gasoline tax among incorporated cities and towns. S. B. 43, Patterson Recognizing drugless healers as entitled to be in industrial accident employed S. B. 42, ' NEW.--. Me MOTOR OIL cases. S. B. Flows Freely in Cold Weather GLAUDE NEON LIGHTS 44, Musser Creating a board of mineral survey. S. B. 45, Booth Sale of property for delinquent general, special or drainage district taxes. S. B. 47, Maw, by request Making fieemens pension available to widows of firemen killed since No- vember 18, 1929. S. B. 48, Young tals liens against Giving Electrical Products Corporation 1046 So. Main Salt Lake City THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY t Patronize home industry, by using all Roods made by the Intermonntain and thereby, help to build Bp no of the wealthiest regions on the American Continent. By ao doing, yon will help to make this great region absolutely self supporting; inasmuch as wo have all the necessary raw materials. CLYDE L. GLASGOW, Cora. Wyo. Mans-lecture- hospi- their patients in personal injury cases. S. B. 49, Booth Creating the Nienty-firs- t Division Memorial commission and appropriating $20,000 for a memorial. S. B. 50, Smith Creating an appointive land board, which shall also be state flood control commission. S. B. 52, Fowles Voluntary associations may sue and be sued. S. B. 53, McCarthy Powers of town boards to regulate buses and to enact prohibition enforcement laws. S. B. 51, Huggins Veterans welfare commission and a $10,000 appropriation therefor. S. B. 55, judiciary committee Authorizing district judges to assist Z OSTLERS Chocolates SPUD BAR THE ONLY HOME OWNED MILK Tune in on MORNING MILk'pROGRAMS KDYL 7 :00 to 7 :30 p m. Sun. Arabesque KSL 10:00 to 10:30 a m. Week Days KSL 10:00 to 10:30 p m. Tuee. and FrL KGIQ (Twin Falls) 9:45 to 10 a m. Wk. Da. Z the supreme court S. B. 56, MILK SLICKER BAR ACE HIGH BAR BEET SUGAR the only Fowles Addition to state road system of part of the Overland Trail. Bills Introduced In The House: H. B. 54,' Neslen Making it possible to impose a life sentence on convicted kidnappers. II. B. 55, Tingey Relating to the matter of filing notice of lien and recording and to extend such time by twenty days. II. B. 56, Tingey Providing that no action shall be taken by the director of registration in examining and licensing any practitioner of "Naturopathy except on the action and report of at least three and not more than five persons of good character from the school for which the applicant desires a license to practice. H. B. 57, Fuller Providing state protection of trademarks and trade Sperry Drifted Snow Flour Standard Since censes. H. B. 66, Neslen Relating to gaming and confiscation and forfeiture of gaming devices. 1852 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR PERFECT EAR TAGS MADE ONLY BY SALT LAKE STAMP CO. 61 West Broadway SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH.USJL FREE GARDEN BOOK Mailed on request. Contains authentic information for every home owner. names. H. B. 59, Dart Requiring that lien claimants shall file a record of the pendency of the action within 12 months after completion of the original contract. H. B. 60, Dart Relating to granting of letters of administration, sales by executors and administra-- ' tors and distribution of estates and the appointment of guardian for minor distributors. H. B. 62, Brimley An act providing that suicide shall not be a defense against the payment of an insurance policy after the first year except in the case of accident policies and life policies providing extra benefits for accidental death. H. B. 63, Miller Relating to insurance adjusters and other insur- ance matters. H. B. 64, Spencer An act to reg-- . ulate the soliciting and writing of insurance, defining insurance brokers and requiring them to secure li- home sugar For Every Baking Purpose PORTER WALTON CO. Seedsmen tt" & Salt Lake City Nurserymen no (m. APEX ci utCf hair oil AN INTERMOUNTAIN PRODUCT ' KDYL: Health Vitanut' Exercises , mrnin,r KSLt oOLDENin COLOR Tuesday OOUXNmQUAliTY i' morning at 18 :30 waaBarmnrT-rILOi Xvery morning at 10:15. front IN ON VITANUT PROGRAMS , |