Show measures demanding attention in legislature tax measures unemployment relief relict plans and school questions are demanding the lIt attention of the utah legislature following are important meas jeaa ures tires introduced in the two branches of the lawmaking body A otter letter to your senator or representative senta tive will tiring bring a n complete copy of any bill you would like to examine in detail S B 33 3 hunt uniform vehicle traffic act S B U 34 welling licensing ol 01 aircraft and air pilots S B 35 permitting citizens to appeal to courts from orders of securities commission S B 30 booth creating municipal shade tree commission S B 37 87 fowles permitting one anil and one halt half mill mill levy for dependent poor S B 38 fowles permitting emergency levies for dependent ent poor 8 13 39 shields permitting testamentary ta disposition of property prop eity by deed ST B 40 shields by request permitting cities to license auctioneers S B 41 Booth Clarifying the law with regard to water exchanges S B 42 booth distributing one seventh of the proceeds of the gasoline tax among incorporated cities and towns S B D 43 patterson recognizing drugless healers as entitled to be employed in industrial accident cases S B 44 musser creating a board of mineral survey S B 45 booth sale of property tor for delinquent general special or drainage district taxes S B 47 maw by request making flemmens fic emens pension available to widows of firemen killed since november 38 18 1029 1920 S 13 48 young giving hospitals liens against theli their patients in personal injury cases S B 49 booth creating the wicnty first division memorial commission and appropriating for a memorial S 11 50 smith creathie Crea an appointive poin tive land board which shall nl al so be state flood control commission S 11 52 fowles voluntary associations ciati clat ions ons may sue and be sued S B 53 mccarthy powers of town boards to regulate buses and to enact prohibition enforcement laws 9 10 51 veterans welfare commission and a appropriation S B CE 55 judiciary committee Anthor authorizing izing district judges to assist the supreme court S B 50 fowles addition to state road system of part of the overland trail bills introduced in the house 11 B 51 making it possible to impose a life sentence on oil convicted kidnappers kid 11 II B 55 relating to the matter of filing notice of lien antl and recording and to extend such time by twenty days dass 11 II B D 60 50 providing that no action shall he ge taken by the director of registration in examining and licensing any practitioner of naturopathy except on the action and report of at least three and not more than the five persons of good character from the school for which the applicant desires a license to practice 11 II B 57 fuller providing state protection of trade trademarks marlis and trade names 11 II B ca dart requiring that ten lien claimants shall file a record of the pen dercy of the action within 12 months after completion of the original contract 11 II B CO dart relating to granting of letters of administration sales by executors and administrators and distribution of estates and the appointment of guardian for minor distributors 11 II B 02 62 brindley Bili BrIn illey fley an act providing that suicide shall not be a defense against the payment of at an insurance policy after the first year except in the case of accident policies and life policies providing extra benefits for accidental death 11 II B D 63 miller relating to insurance adjusters and other insurance matters nat 11 II B 04 spencer an act to reg the soliciting and writing of insurance def defining laing insurance brokers and requiring them to secure it II benses censes IL 11 B GG CS relating to gaming and confiscation and forfeiture of gaming d devices |