Show intermountain H news e w s briefly told for bus busy il readers e a d e r s AUTO ACCIDENT FATAL BOYS ARE ABE IDAHO SHIPPING FOOD COLLEGE IS DEFENDANT BOISE IDA lawrnece E bak er 19 of oc boise died of 0 in injuries jurls received in an auto accident here rive five others were In injured jurel in the smashup smash up and all were taken to hospitals s BRIGHAM CITY UT box el der high school shop boys and mechanical ch anical drawing students student shaie have organized a glider club and are constructing ting a glider rO bATELLO POCATELLO IDA the red bed cross of bannock county Is forwarding several car loads of vegetables to the drouth arouth sufferers in arkansas LOGAN UT the logan dairy mens association has filed suit against the utah state agricultural college to prevent the college from buying or selling milk in competition with private dairymen BURLEY BUBLEY IDA over one thousand chipmunks have been poisoned during the past few months ROCK SPRINGS WYO contract on the stretch of 1378 miles of 0 lincoln highway between here and green elver has been awarded and work Is to begin at an early date A bridge I 1 Is to constructed over bitter creek at a cost of nearly BOISE IDA an increase in the grand total number of sheep awine beef and dairy cattle in idaho idabo is shown inthe in alie annual livestock report of the federal statistician the number of horses decreased 6 5 per cent while mules held their regular quota SALT LAKS LAKE CITY UT tentative plans for planting green peas tor for canning in utah in 1931 1031 indicate a 40 per cent reduction in acreage from that harvested last year according to a report issued bythe by the department of agriculture division of crop estimates the estimated utah crop for tills this year will be acres compared with acres in 1030 ELY NEV lehman lebman caves near the nevada utah line may become a unit in the zone of the southern utah area of scenic sceble wonders and connected to them by a federal built highway as a result of the local chamber cli amber of mines and commerce in taking an option to purchase the eaves caves and equipment of 0 same the ultimate objective of the commerce chamber being the passing of ownership to the federal government UT juab stake tabernacle will be remodelled remodel led at an approximate proximate cost of ten thousand dollars PAROWAN UT the city water supply Is being increased by the addition of the five mile spring water to the system through six hundred feet of new pipe line POCATELLO IDA nearly one hundred thousand fleeces from the 1031 1931 clip have been pledged through the eastern idaho wool marketing association offices here in exchange tor for loans approximating from the federal farm board according to the secretary of the association BEAVER UT A big celebration will be held here in july to observe anniversary of the founding of the city UT local egg grading plant opened with celebration and much enthusiasm BLACKFOOT IDA after a plea of guilty to voluntary manslaughter in connection with the death at arco Sept embr 12 of joe parra a mexican sam burton BO 56 was sentenced to serve one to ten years in the state penitentiary SALT LAKE CITY UT the salt lake division of 0 the southern pacific railroad has been awarded the annual annuel safety record banner for 1930 according to advices advises from the com company party officials in san francisco RICHMOND UT the dairy interests of this vicinity will hold a stock show early in the month of may BURLEY IDAA IDA A drinking or stew party is alleged to have caused the deaths of fred hurley and ilarde wilson allson both around fifty years of age it Is said that radiator alcohol and canned heat were included in the list of beverages used IDA A rod and gun to preserve wild life and to be county wide in scope has haa been organized hero here SALT LAKE CITY UT A list ot of thirty applications willbe will bo heard at the next meeting of the board of pardons it A dewitt serving a life sentence for beating his wife to death is to apply for release I 1 |