Show NOTICE FOR publication DURI department OF THE INTERIOR GE GENERAL LAND OFFICE at salt lake city utah january 31 1131 1931 NOTICE la Is hereby given thit stepheni Step heji R adorns adams of lehl utah who on may 24 1926 made stock raising homestead entry no for lots 1 5 section 21 lots 1 2 3 4 5 0 6 yel 4 4 s1 sa 2191 2 abl 4 section 22 lot 1 nwe section 2 21 1 township 9 north range 5 east salt lake meridian Merld lian has hied notice of 0 intention to make final proof tt ti establish claim to tha land above described bed before the clerk of the court at provo prove utah on the day ot 0 march 1031 1931 claimant names na mesas as witnesses leonard adams george A madsen franklin madsen william halladay Halla aay all of provo utah BLI register adv feb 6 13 20 27 mar far 6 |