Show scout news dallas johnsons patrol no 3 still leads in the contest work no other patrol coming coining in reach of Ms but buc the other patrols are getting ready to lead out when the new contest starts next week the following are arc the members of each patrol and their leaders patrol no i 1 harold rex ilex leader wayne ret assistant robert Wa wamsley blain marshall ray bray hackett wesley johnson johnsoa s aldon garth nicholls Jc holls dick jackson patrol no 2 myron Hol holstrom strow leader robert rex assistant roy hoy mckinnon Kinnon Ic geo wilson robert telford delmar halstrom max mckinnon McKi nuon blair P fendlay patrol no 3 dallas johnson leader otto kennedy assistant she kennedy stephen kennedy william smith grant muir lynn norris mynard jacobson patrol no 4 reed kennedy leader leada r guy ek hancks assistant thomas norris wayne argyle von argyle dee hatch dale hatch den ben norris rex eks ka woodrow wilson those interested in what each patrol is doing might clip this out and kepp it as we to mention tile the different patrols from time to time A |