Show south rich news we play our third league game with north rich friday february 1 loth both the boys first and second teams will play there will be another big school dance after the games the assembly friday is to bo conducted by elgie moss student body vice president 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 f F S I 1 dr goodman is at the high school doing dental work this week rach each student dent may get lili hia teeth ex examined free and tile the dental work is done at a much lower ra rate te the eighth grade played basket hall ball with kemmerer priday friday february and were beaten with a score of 11 to 12 dee hatch is suffering from a sprained ankle which is keeping him from school for a short time i mr brenchley Brench lev is in randolph again after having his eyes operated upon we expect him back to lay day mrs law has hn for him DOROTHY RE VS reporter |