Show to thieves and an d burg burglars ars the average office or home safe fe is a joke put your valuable papers out of harms way in one of our safe dep deposit it boxes the cheapest and surest form of theft and fire insurance known richfield commercial com m erceal savings bank RICHFIELD UTAH resources more than a million A an n c im n c i n EXCL 11 U V jea AGENCY for our three stores richfield salina and ephraim for GNEAL JD xa JU 9 in IF D rl ant 10 at a JT OF THE CRUCIBLE OP 3 YEARS USE comes laj chis ta GUARANTEE G UA R AIN T EF d E NEW E W LOW PRICES PRO ar CIE S thrifty homes throughout the country find and IN overwhelming proof of the expense free performance of general electric refrigerator now with price reductions general electric announces announce a 0 3 yeat year Gu guarantee atee every new general electric refrigerator is warranted free from service ervice expense for three long year tem the simple mechanism is sealed in the gleaming monitor top permanently oiled safe from air moisture and dirt cabinets are a all steel porcelain lined easy to clean broom room beneath accessible temperature control plus three zones of cold meant means instant response to every need at new low prices enjoy general electric convenience and economy now jfhn 17 01 in tit tbt gentral ra 1 i reprogram ePro gram broadcast erty saturday t fining on en a ration triet N NBC B a fill ork a ELECTRIC AUL ALL STEEL rafn bertote Ber tots electric water coolers electric milk coolers cooler 1 Rici WIELD iFIELD F FURNITURE CO FREE mae ewt R 9 6 moth seal cean P C bag ak with each ladies coat or mens overcoat cleaned 2 and pressed by us ideal cleaners T ailers odorless cleaning phone 65 richfield utah IT ao mir the h 1 of 0 f june J U e the day dav of all days in sevier county check over your outing wardrobe you may be needing shirts sox hats shoes a leather or wool jacket or outing pants there will surely be some needed item to make your outfit complete come in and let us help you with your selection we specialize in clothing for outdoor wear rl richfield 0 e h f 1 0 e I 1 d clothing lothi ap ng co 0 W 13 pace mgr |