Show large lame 5 recreation program lr rr approved by city ci ity council includes swimming pool ouid outdoor health building sports planned for young and old WELL DIRECTED an important feature of the large recreational program winch which has been approved by the richfield city council for this summer is opening of the municipal natatorium under greatly improved sanitary conditions the opening date has not yet been announced but it is hoped that the pool will be ready for use by next monday or tuesday A delegation of representative ci citizens met with the council last thursday evening to consider the matter of putting the swimming I 1 pool in the proper condition specified by health officer H A dewey I 1 and the result was the approval of a plan which includes the natatorium in in a program of recreation for children and adults to he be under the direction of principal A al maughan and coach joseph buys of the richfield high school A determining feature in gaining the consent of the council to go ahead with this work was the fact that the richfield study club with their characteristic energy pledged toward defraying the expense involved the council mayor study club as well as mr maughan and mr buys are to be complimented upon their progressive action and interest in the welfare of the community they realize that youth espee especially bally are charged with energy which must be properly directed in in fredr to make good citizens out of them the long summer vacation affords a great amount of leisure time to most boys and and there is urgent need for a program of recreation properly supervised already the appearance of tho the natatorium is being materially improved by a coat of attractive paint pain t both inside and out and on the roof fart part of the labor is being contributed by ambitious boys part by prisoners who aret are being held in the local jail and part by paid experienced painters the walls of the swimming pool also are to be painted the dressing rooms are being cleaned A feature of the changes to be made at the pool as ordered by dr dewey in compliance with new state regu regulations eions is the installation stal lation of two more showers in order that bathers may obey the law and take lake soap baths without their bathing suits before entering the pool there will be a niale male and lady attendant at the pool all the time to see that these regulations are enforced spitting or throwing paper or other materials in the water will he be strictly prohibited bathers will be limited to one hour a day in the natatorium there has been much complaint formerly from parents that their children were remaining in the water so long that they injured their health the water level in the pool will be raised to the full height of the surrounding walls in order that it will overflow constantly all around and thus wash out the impurities that rise to the top of the water an iron rail is being placed all around the pool so that bathers may readily grasp it when testing resting or leaving the pool there will be no charge for using the pool for those having their own suits suits will vill be rented at ac as usual for those who desire them towel and continued on page 8 large recreation program approved by the city C council continued from page 1 must be furnished by the bathers the central civic committee appointed just this week by mayor martines is favorably considering the suggestion of mr bl maughan aughan anti and mr buys that the grounds surrounding the pool be parked and used for the other phases of recreational program planned it is if probable that the old crimson crest dance pavilion may be repaired and made use of by the city mr buys states that lie he will install a 4 or 5 hole golf course near the natatorium which may eventually lead to a full size regulation course here which has been the dream of quite a few richfield citizens for some time other features of the recreation program will be a tennis tournament for men and women as well as boys and girls games will be played on the high school courts there will be baseball for the boys under 7 years in in a junior league system the best pl players ayers developed in this league will represent the american legion in in a series of league games by players from monroe salina elsinore EI and richfield then there is to be the twilight baseball league for men who can play only after six in the evening when they have finished work mr buys hopes to have four competing teams in this league and it is practically assured that the battery will furnish one of these plans are being made to give boys practice in football basket ball soccer indoor baseball horseshoe pitching etc in this recreational program there are also to be hiking trips arranged for boys of the scout age and from time to time water carnivals will be held at the pool much interest is being manifested in the baseball league which is expected c pec ted eventually to lead to the organization of a real live baseball team for richfield dr dewey will vill submit a list of instructions and regulations for users of the swimming pool at the next council meeting when these are approved they will be posted ogled attlee attl Te pool idol and published in the reaper |