Show COUNCIL VOTES to IN CITY maughan and buys hired to run municipal natatorium the city council held a busy ses session sion thursday evening considering among other things the opening of the city natatorium A motion passed to the effect that the proposal of A al ma maughan u aban and joe buys for running the natatorium be accepted and that the city attorney and police committee be authorized to arrange a contract with them in this connection a motion passed to the effect that the c civic ivac committee appointed by the mayor be asked to lead in supervision of community recreation and to take as their special problem the im improvement pro of the natatorium inas in much as the relief societies had already offered to place a woman at the natatorium each lay day to assist in supervising the conduct conduct of the children and inasmuch as the richfield study club had to contribute to the cost of improving the natatorium provided the natatorium should be made a project of the civic clubs the council was highly appreciative of the fine spirit of cooperation shown by these organizations the study club committee on resolutions consisted of mrs marvel dewey mrs lottie An andreason Andi heason eason mis blis lucille gheen wood and mrs mae alae sevy A request was also made at the meeting by the sevier stake primary board ii in charge of the celebration of independence lay day in richfield that the council appoint a committee to arrange a patriotic program to be held from 11 to 12 a m and that the mayor conduct the exercises the committee previously appointed by the mayor to cooperate with the primary board consisting of george F christensen clarence smith and martin christensen was asked to arrange the program A letter was read from county agent S R boswell stating that grasshoppers were to be found in such large numbers on the city lipport that they endangered the crops of farmers in the county nd soliciting the aid of the city n disposing of this menace mr air boswell stated stated that he had arranged with the county to secure sufficient poison to kill the grasshoppers if the city would furnish bran and sawdust to mix with it the council voted unanimously in favor of having the work done and martin christensen was appointed to assist in having the poison applied with the aid of mr boswell the work was accomplished complis hed wednesday attorney G D Wood mansy of springville Spring ville appeared before the council and asked permission to revise richfield cites ordinance book he stated that an effort is being made to make ordinance books of all third class cities more uniform and that he had had considerable sid erable experience in the work the council took the matter under advisement A motion carried by unanimous vote of the council that an ordinance be drafted prohibiting possession and sale of fireworks in the city and that an ordinance to this effect be prepared by the police committee and attorney to be e presented at the next meeting of the council which will be held tonight |