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Show j i .' -i J.'; i i ;.j U 'i oi OiiiUJ, 0jfi H til "I v.iii a tr;iim-l nursv for sevt-n r-;, Lat in all my experience I've iiuM.-r found any medicine to com-l.are com-l.are wi'h Surgon, I'm convinced it ;-uved my life. ... :i f v v - f ,7 . ' ' 'r-.:;.:-.:, I 1 COPY OF THE OFFICIAL LIST OF NOMINATIONS : 1E"IC VT FORK CIT IIUHICIPAL ELECTION, TUESDAY, NOVEMBKl 5, 1929. i j DEMOCRATIC TICKET REPUBLICAN TICKET j o o Q I i ForMavor For Mayor pf For Mayor I?. IH ROY -GREEN WOOD WILLIAM CHIPMAN M ' For Councilman, 4-year Term jf For Councilman, 4-year Term W For Councilman, 4-year Term j WILLIAM S. STORRS WALTER A. DEVEY U ,;l For Councilman, 2-year Term rf For Councilman, 2-year Term pf For Councilman 2-year Term w- V MORAL D. STEELE WILLIAM H. PRESTON ill ft For Councilman. 2-year Term W For Councilman, 2-year Term pf For Councilman, 2-year Term w- I STEPHEN T. SHELLEY WILLIAM J. CIIADWICK cl: For Councilman, 2-year Term W For Councilman, 2-year Term pf For Councilman, 2-year Term w , ORIN ASHTON J- WARREN C. BOLEY M For Recorder "if For Recorder pf For Recorder - P THOMAS A. BARRATT " ' FRANCIS B. ABEL M For Treasurer W ' For Treasurer pf For Treasurer j, MARY J . CUNNINGHAM - . .".JI lf !L,.-..-Z. . Hi i T State of Utah, County of Utah, ss: I Thomas A Barratt in and for American Fork City, C ornity of Utah, State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a. full true and correct copy of the names of all candidates for office duly nominated, and to be voted upon m American Fork City, at . the general municipal election, to be held Tuesday, the 5th day of November, A. D. 1929, as certified to me and as appears on file at my -H office. - . at In witness whereof, I have herewith set my hand and the seal this 24th day of October, 1929 . ,,i (Seal) THOMAS A. BARRATT, City Recorder, rrrr-rr ; 7l- . ' T - - ' 7 MRS. B. KELLY "For twelve years I was in a terribly ter-ribly nervous condition. My gall bladder troubled me and I had severe pains in my back and shoulders- I'd have such indigestion I'd get right dizzy and my head would ache terribly. My liver was sluggish, slug-gish, I was badly constipated and my slcin was pale. About five weeks ago I fainted dead away on the street. "Within three weeks after I started this wonderful Sargon I was out of bed and feeling stronger and better than in years. Now there's not a pain In my body! I'm not nervous any more and never have indigestion, headaches or dizzy spells. "Sargon Pills relieved mie of constipation con-stipation and got my liver and gall bladder to working right. My com. plexion has improved remarkably and I don't know when I've enjoyed such splendid health." Mrs. B. Kelly, Edgewater, Colo. Win. Thornton Drug Co., Agents. o ybr Economical Transportation ' & TSfMBr ( f .- J !Tjs-. .'-.-m.-A :. -yf Tliis Car rrv'iS VSa i yj - has been carefully f S J D ) f CL M ' 4 V ' checked and recon V P H J X f 1 X J 'l ditioned where V-W1 ' j necessary r , 4, !n9! -..-v.- -.-ri- - i V Motor . y Radiator ' ' e vRear Axle Q'aHSlaCtOffV '.: ? V Transmission -r- y " 1 s vstarttog Used (Lars V Lighting j 7T. j In order that we may some day convert k- V ignition a our Used Car buyers into new Chevrolet j Battery 1 owners, we do everything possible to t J, "V TireS I make these Used Cars render satis- I factory service. i v Upholstery E . , special tools and equipment, specially ..;( QP i trained mechanics, genuine new parts V Fenders j all these are utilized to make every V' Finish S Used Car deliver dependable transpor- t I tation at low cost. You can confidently j j I buy a Used Car from us and to make VLrf g 1 your assurance doubly certain, we back IkfhA t I UP our slogan, Used Cars withanOJK. VV Mjfjj that counts". That definitely protects Less- - ,.au, ZJzJtJ your Used Car investment. Wide Price Range Small Down ; Payment Convenient Terms : ' v : 31 I : ;" Martin Nielsen Auto Co. TELEPHONE 93 AMERICAN FOBK See Classified Columns for List of O. K. Used Cars i i p y . i i I Jitsten to music i! i I 0 mi ; 1 that is absolutely j , j true! I glfT I f , I Screen-Grid H'pl I j l! 1 : S i TO need to make the slightest al- fi I -3,1 X 1 I j j lowaiice wben listening to this y ! i j new set. The tone is so clear and 1 C i f I 0 fj natural that distance seems to be j al I B !j wiped out. You're with the musician 1 fes or speaker : . ?1 i ' , . , , L . . . and up si s t F.verytlung else about this set is ' j i as good as the tone. Tower, selec- N ' -li tivity, dependability cabinet and j ; ') price. Come in and listen look COMPLETE jj ! j i?'; today i 'j 1 t CONVENIENT TERMS ,ll j til lii . Besiiiett-Vernor Oacllo Go. j Hadio Eervica Gtaticn t Phone 1C3-T7 American Fcrl:, Utah j jl.,: tl |