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Show . llJJM ., . ..-- , j v - ' "nil, 11-T inrl"iY'r,-r-wiir'J- -'TiMi-.' -,1 X hi Li O LI Li O g , w V 1 & ;U r ;'V, MAN -' : i J.-.-' can compete successfully 1 g H w 1-.: ::v with his rivals without V X ; 'V r f. .'.''.'j"; : " iiK.nev. It takes "back- j ijf l.';;t-r'-j ins" "to put up a sood j- r -v ':...- front. It takes capital to 1;;? g ? .''" :-v:'-'''':') produce income . . . This i I t 'i l.ank is alwavs prepared I $f ; ' - ' ' A to support local enter- f - J';. , prises. Tell us in detail 1 K f -'i V " '.i''..."!-.! altout vours. V ? o :: v.v,;j v S f. I Bank of American Fork ? Mi ;; j2g p7jk it" h o'FsdT w a o e: ap-fy) v.- -It''' Jr -S:::-:rN!",",".. V'2i2Z?& r (H great Not only does this great system give American Fork its finest local, inter-city service, but through its vast network of lines, connects it with every important city and town in the nation. Over 30.000 miles of scenic highways, one high standard ot efficiency and responsibility is maintained. Wherever and whenever you may want to go, 25 miles or 2500 miles, there's a big comfortable stage of the world's greatest motor coach system awaiting to take you. Leave daily at 12: OS and 8:33 P. M. and 3:48 A. M. for Denver and East. Leave daily at 12:32 and 8:32 P. M. and 7:32 A. M. for Los Angeles. Pickwick Stage Lines 'is the only transcontinental motor coach system sys-tem serving American Fork. TERMINAL TliCintcii Drug Co. Telephone 3 lMM I nBH - Over 395,000 Lost Calls j "Three Months' Time Lost Daily' in Mountain States It happens to all of us. Perhaps just once during the day or on some days, several times, you dash to the telephone tele-phone to find that the calling person had become' impatient and failed to give you time to answer. On the other hand you, too, may have been in a hurry and the person you were calling reached the telephone too late. About 18 per cent of the daily J'sJ average of 2,207,856 calls in the en-Jja en-Jja tire territory served by this com-pyyl com-pyyl pany are not completed largely be-T be-T ?7iS.;"!?7"? Cuse the calling party abandons the U L lil,J call without allowing sufficient time for an answer, or the called person delays answering. The total time lost daily approximates three months. You can help make your own serv-ice serv-ice more satisfactory by waiting two minutes before abandoning a call and by answering your telephone as '. $ promptly as possible. A recent sur- ;M ' r vey has proved that when the ring- . " "- - ing of the called telephone was continued con-tinued for an additional minute, answers were obtained in 23 per cent of the cases. I Incompleted calls arc a handicap to good service some are unavoidable, of course, others can be completed with your help may we have your cooperation? The Mountain Stales Telephone & Telegraph Company provo GREATER PARAMOUNT ' MOVIE SEASON ,ls, ot -CONTINUES! Paramount Pictures 1C0'i TALKING DRAMATIC MASTERPIECE "THE VALIANT" with PAUL MUNI MARGUERITE CHURCHILL and JOHN MACK BROWN -V Yihvant Story oL' a Son's Love. STARTS ' " BiooAvs SUNDAY, OCT. 27 ATPCPEUSLAR A D them on the Screen! r".i. -Funnier Than Ever! -The Two Black Crows"' ( . .. ' - MOHAN V " V . ; ) and MACK - 3 ALL . A ' TALKING C' ' SINGING W 1 DANCING r "WHY BRING THAT UP" A PARAMOUNT PICTURE with Evelyn Brent - Harry Green ROARS GALORE GIRLS BY THE SCORE Rib-Racking Laughs New Times New Dances Matinees 10o-35c tvenings, 15c-35c-5Cc: Sunday Continuous 1:15-11:15. Week Days 2 and 47:15 and 9:15. COMING SOON "GOLD DIGGEES OF BROADWAY" All Natural Color All Talking, Singing and Dancing Revue. |