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Show t ,. , . . !- ' f i. in i :.'.! i 1 :-.U-i. ry Aii-i Ij,-;:1-i-, tliN ::;!." :r -a a ;-.li-.lr .-r.vAi': la:il. Fritlay, i.f v.-:! -uliii'.-! l.'-r . IjimI, bill, i-i K'-ninK alon' nicely- U: Kim: to hi: tin; Gliont Jancc at Ni.-w (;'N1 next "'uesiJuy even- iiiK- ;"lv'' If you slop on tli li.cky nuniluT, you'll win a prize at t h- Hallowe'en party in iln; New Gym next Tue.silay, October 2'.). I Our new crop of beautiful Sweet Peas, Crycanthemums, Carnations, Eose, etc., will finis;i that party or social decorations as nothing else will. Quality flowers at Humphries. Telephone 2-00. adv. Mrs. Roy Steele, Mrs. Warren C Bolley aiiU Mrs. Thomas Kirkham, the latter from Lehl, motored to Og-ilen Og-ilen la.st Friday, where they attended the football came between the U. A. C- and the 11. Y. U. arid also visited Miss Loraine Bolcy and Miss Phyliss Kirkham, Mrs. Boley's and Mrs. Klrkliam's daughters, who are at. 'tending the U. A. C. and were at Og-den Og-den attending the game. Pre.sfdent Jesse M. Walker was the main speaker at the Social Service mooting hold Tuesday afternoon In the Alpine Stake Tabernacle basement. base-ment. In addition to the speaker, Miss Mettle McAllister gave a comic redding "Mai And The Auto." A goneral discussion, questions and answers, comprised the remainder of the meeting. There were 68 present. The First ward officers and teachers teach-ers of the M. I. A. and their partners are holding a big Hallowe'en party tonight at the home of Mrs. E. J. SeaKtrantl, Y. L. M. I. A. president of the ward. A number of weird games and pranks have been arranged for to be followed by a hot lunch. The house decorations will be carried out in a Hallowe'en color scheme, and, s i::l;iis anl iok"!is suggestive of the tieonsion are also being used to ere-ile a proper setting for the p;u-ly. |