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Show UTAH TO HAVE NEW HOSPITAL Utah is to have a new million-dollar hospital, one of which the entire state may well be proud, according to announcement of the board of directors of the New St. Mark's hospital hospi-tal building fund, in Salt Lake. Half a million dollars is to be rais ed in Utah and the other half million will be available in eastern centers from philanhropic friends of the Episcopal church. An intensive campaign cam-paign to raise Utah's half is about to be launched, says Bishop Arthur W. Moulton, .president of the board of directors. The proposed new institution will be nine stories in height and will bo the last word in modern hospital and operating room equipment. The ground already has been obtained at Fourth East and First South streets in Salt Lake. . The new St. Mark's hospital will replace the old institution which has served the people of all creeds and colors in Utah for the past sixty years. A pioneer in hospital work, Sh. Mark's was established in 1872 and for many years was the only hospital hos-pital in the intermountain region. The humanitarian and non-sectarian policies poli-cies which have endeared St. Mark's to the people of this stale for more than half a century will be continued in the new institution. Leaders in civic and industrial life throughout the intire slate are behind this new public enterprise. They arc enthusiastic over the prospect of having hav-ing a new million-dollar hospital, and over the assertion that half a million dollars will be raised elsewhere to match the money donated in Utah. |