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Show wur$ Lti v v -i vLtVinvriyiiyv - - - - v - " - q ir, I- l I j 1 i i, Vfi-Mf Li S ,-f? if I ZZ 1 1 liMSs ! 5 5 'y; Two or three months of intensive saving y will provide the money for a glorious ji; i vacation. Those dollars that you save now g 5 u- will mean travel, sports, entertainment and tfi I ffi leisure later in the year. 2? o Z ir. 31 Bank of American Fork 38 Years Successful Banking jt s Copyrighted, 1928 Start a savings s:, count with what yjn save by patronizing AMERICAN FORK OH CO. DAY srd N-IGHT SERVICE AMERICAN FORK TEL. 'E tltai assure DEekdabie TRANSPOHTATIOW The Chevrolet Red "O K That Counts" Tag Protects jf - T Your Used Car Purchase LOOK fdenTlfiTbvditri?ed T T ? r 18 t Outstadi Used ;?nenf f bynmean5 of the Chevrolet red Car Values O.K. that Counts" tag. This tag is the purchaser a assurance that the car to which 192s Chevrolet Coach. it is attached has been fione oyer carefullv ; by expert mechanics-that it has been iChevCoup thoroughly reconditioned and that the ' ,J2 Chevrolet Sedan. ' price is based on the car's actual ah;mv tn - --- render service. ability to 1927 Chevrolet Ton Truck, Cat, Stake Body. Due to the overwhelming popularirr of th ' new Chevrolet Six, we havon ban7at this Vrl0t ' - H t m", UnUSUally Iarfi group of these 1927 Ford 4 Door Sedan. XT, - 1 will save you money. Make a small down 1 nm Dod"'! slau. payment and drive your car away, ' i,.,ck Seda, ! Martin Nielsen Auto Co. American Fork, Utah it ft I Eta mi MM .- Is 2Z f new ; NEW I I BIGGER BIGGER BETTER j-" "V( BETTER I f! V 7 I f., o JO I it v A It it it tl All Power Dynamic Speaker Cabinet Radio No. 71. Price Complete $141.50. t FOR SHORT TIME ONLY $50.00 Allowed On Your Battery Set, Phonograph it or Musical Instrument. Net Cash Left Only $91 00 I $1.00 Down and $10 .30 Month Pays Balance. I Investigate This Liberal Allowance and See The Big 1 I New No. 71. j Martin Nielsen Auto Co. TELEPHONE 93 AMERICAN FORK |