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Show Alpine News Mrs. Leonard Bates, Reporter Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Terry and two children and Mr. George Hutchinson Hutchin-son are visiting in California with their sister, Mrs. Harold Kolstad and family at Compton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gubler returned to their home at Lund, Nevada, after af-ter spending Christmas week with relatives here. Mrs. Gubler was formerly Miss Aggie Burgess of this city. Miss Nelle Hunter, who is employed em-ployed at the Salt Lake Knitting works, spent the Holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt- er. Miss Hunter also had as her guest Miss Dorothy Bowman of Co-loma Co-loma Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, who is attending the B. Y. U. Elder Melvin J. Ballard of the Council of the Twelve, visited with the Alpine ward Sunday. He attended at-tended the Sunday school and fast meeting and at 2 p. m. a special meeting was called to give the people peo-ple a chance to hear the splendid sermon he gave. He was accompanied accom-panied by his wife. Elder Ballard and his wife have paid us one visit each year for the past three years. Mrs. Benjamin Bates and Mrs. Madeline Wilkin entertained at a family dinner New Year's day. Covers Cov-ers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leon-ard Bates and children, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bates and children, Mr. and Mrs. Loy Beck and children, Mrs. Francis Pulley and children of American Fork, and Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Wilkin and children. A ten pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Wilson was formerly for-merly Miss May Strong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Strong of this city. (Mrs. Strong is with her daughter who is reported doing nicely. The Alpine ward M. Men played the Golden Glory Milk men at basketball bas-ketball Saturday evening, resulting in a score in favor of Alpine. A well attended dance followed the game. Elder Ross Burgess left early Monday morning for the mission school in Salt Lake City. A farewell fare-well testimonial will be held in his honor January 17th. He will leave for the Eastern States mission about January 20th. Friends of Mrs. J. C. Beck will be grieved to learn that she is very ill at her home here. |