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Show CALICO BALL The Big M. I. A. Event ftej IN WHICH EVERYONE PARTICIPATES DansArt Sat., Jan. 9, 1937 9 ,iiicon Prize of S2.00 for the most -5$ I appropriate Calico Dress Je; 1 Excellent Music Lots of Fun! lin .,;e meetl 1 50 Cents Per Couple Extra Lady 10 Cents istobe jj un'es I ll Used Cars Reduced! FROM S25.00 to S75.00 Below are some you can buy at Reduced Prices 1935 Chevrolet Master Sport Sedan. 1936 Chevrolet Standardj Town Sedan. 1932 Chevrolet Coach. 1934 Chevrolet Master Coach. 1928 Chevrolet Coach. 1929 Chevrolet Sedan. 1935 Chevrolet Pick-Up Truck. 1932 Ford Pick-Up Truck. 1928 Chevrolet Pick-Up Truck Martin Nielsen Auto Co. Telephone 93, American Fork Si ,i.iiihiu j n jwM"8 ----- . r,",Tr."":' 77r- r..7rrr.;.." :t. bo Brigham Young University Basketball Season 55 m 1 2. j attend Tickets Reserve your favorite seat for the following games: ::00 ' January 15 and 16 Book reserving same seat j,pric ' UTAH AGGIES for all Friday or all Satur- ;are ex day games $3.30. . f January 22 and 23 yg MONTANA STATE Book reserving same "t February 19 and 20 seat for all games both U. of U. Friday and Saturday $6.60. imb ' : nday n SEATS ON SALE AT BKIGGS PHARMACY - I Ogden's Eighteenth 1 I Annual Livestock Show 1 j Will Be Held In The Ogden Coliseum Jan. 8 to 14, 1937 Auction sales for Pure Bred Shorthorn Cattle will be held January 12; for prize Winning Fat Cattle, Sheep & Hogs and for Pure Bred Here- ford Cattle January 13; and for Carloads of I Feeder Cattle and for Dairy Cattle January 14. WANT ADS Room for rent. Wm. Shumway, American Fork. 1-8-ltp For Sale4 acres bottom land, homes, lots and farms. H. C. Johnson, John-son, broker. 1-8-tf. For Rent 4 room modern home. Inquire at 269 North 1st West. 1-8-ltp. ATTENTION POULTRYMEN Increase your 1937 egg profits with Sales & Bourke Triple-Bred Chicks Breeding flocks free ranged and 100 blood tested. Bred for Liva-bility Liva-bility Egg quantity Egg quality. Also quality Mammoth Bronze Turkey Tur-key poults Sales & Bourke, Inc., Petaluma, Calif. REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTA-TIVE T. CONTA Inquire at Citizen Office. ll-18-20tp. MODERN. WOMEN Need Not Suffer monthly pain and delay due to colds, nervous strain, exposure or similar causes. Chi-ches-tersDiamondBiandPills are effective, rel: bte and give Quick Relief. Sold by ffc. iilldrurstsforover4oye;irs. Ask for jfffi'K " TH f DIAMOND BRANDi--y f PENNEY'S Home Tested WHITE VALUES i PRICES ARE RISING When our present stocks are exhausted practically . every item will definitely be much higher in price. I BEAT THE PRICE RISE! These Values are Selling Fast Get Yours Now! Nation Wide Sheets, 81x99 89c Nation Wide Cases, 42x36 23c i Penco Sheets, 81x99 $1.19 Penco Cases, 42x36 27c j Pillow Tubing, 42 Inch, Yard 15c j 3 lb. Cotton Batts, Quilt Size '. 25c Sheet Blankets, 70x80 49c Ladies' Wash Frocks 39c A Men's Dress Shirts 69c ALL THESE AND MANY OTHERS I They are Real Bargains! For Sale 5 acres good farm land, choice building lots. Inquire Mrs. ' Bert Faddis, 464 North 4th West, American Fork. 1-1-tf. Dependable girl wants housework by day. Call at Conders residence, 372 West Main street, Am. Fork. 1-1-tp. Lost New Dodge rim, between Boley's and Alpine. Reward. Return Re-turn to George A. Brown, Alpine. 1-ltp. Two yellow truck end-gates were found Wednesday by Arnold Drans-field Drans-field at 3rd East and Main street in American Fork. The owner can claim them by calling at the Citizen and paying for adv. For Rent 5 room modern home, furnace heat. Inquire Citizen office. 12-25-ltp. Old type Automatic Washer, in good condition, for sale. Call Leo Nelson. 12-25-lt. Five room, modern house for rent. Hay, lumber, glass churn for sale. Inquire A. G. Erickson. 12-25-ltp. Po r Rent Partly furnished modern apartment. Mrs. Annie Green, American Fork. 12-18 Good Used Easy Washer for sale. Earl H. Barratt. 12-1. tp Service Station for Lease Well located station on highway. A real opportunity for some one who has a few hundred dollars. Inquire Citizen Office. 12-18-tf. For Sale or Rent 5 room modern home, full basement, 1 a"re pround with young orchard. ' Inquire Paul Adamson, O. P. Skaggs, Am. Fork. 12-ll-3t. "Tor SALE W. A. Knight's residence resi-dence in Lehi. Modern, 5 rooms, ' TAe eit, Suif IN ; CALIFORNIA WINE j 4 v 2 Standard Coal More heat for your S S S & c c c b ! 3 HINES & CO. AGENTS i 1 - ---I full basement, gas furnace, garage, large lot. Terms. Write or 'phone W. A. Knight, Hy. 249-W, Salt Lake City Utah. 1-7-ltp. Chester White Boar for service. Also young pigs for sale, $3.00 each. Harold Var.ney, Forks of Road. 12-25-tf. WANTED: Livestock of all kinds. Call in or write Powell's service station, sta-tion, Lehi; or call 90-W, Lehi. 11-10-tf. FOR, SALE Farm end Home located lo-cated in Lehi Junction. For information infor-mation concerning same, write Mrs. Katie Almonettl, Heiner, Utah. 11-3-U. |