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Show Am. Fork Locals Tune in on K-S-L Sunday at 8:30 a. m. and hear Jutfee Rutherford di.scLL-a Bible questions. 12-13-5tp. Sadie Bromley has spent the past week in Provo visiting with her daughter, Clarice. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor attended attend-ed a meeting held in Provo last Monday night for all of the D. T. It. employees. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wright of Og-den Og-den and Mrs. June Wright spent Sunday in Springville visiting with Mrs. Slon A. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wright of Og-den Og-den spent New Years In American Fork visiting with Mrs. Lyle Grant and Mrs. June S. Wright. The Sorosis Club met at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Coddington on Monday. Five tables of bridge were played, Mrs. Frank Gaisford winning win-ning the high score prize and Mrs. Jarvis Aydelotte the low. A delicious delici-ous luncheon was served late in the ftfternoon to those present who included in-cluded the following special guests: Mrs. Elmer Bates, Mrs. Mark Coddington Cod-dington and Mrs. Vern Houston. Mr and Mrs. Stephen T. Shelley had as guests on New Year's day Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carlson of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanford Walker Walk-er and family of Pleasant Grove and Bernard Walker of Denver, Colorado. Colora-do. The B. B. club members, their partners and invited guests enjoyed enjoy-ed a dancing party at the Legion Hall Wednesday evening. There were about fifty couples present who all reported having had an enjoyable enjoy-able time. The Gleaner Girls of the First ward M. I. A, entertained the M Men at a buffet supper Tuesday night at the home of their class leader, Mrs. Leo Meredith. The table decorations were carried out in silver and blue. An attractive silver and blue centerpiece center-piece graced the center of the table with blue tapers in silver holders at each end. The evening was spent in playing "Manopoly". The fourteen guests present enjoyed the evening very much. The regular meeting of the G. A. club which, was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Val Mower has been postponed for a week on account ac-count of the death of Mrs. Rudolph Konold, who was a charter member of the club. Mrs. Emma Foster spent the hoii- i days in Ogden and Salt Lake visiting --with --with her daughter and friends. j j Mr. and Mrs. Alma Earl, Roy Earl, ' Mr. and Mrs. David Conder and ; i Mrs. Ann Cheever spent New Year's j day in Lehi at the home of Mr. and ! g Mrs. A. W. Barnes. I " I ' i i Mrs. George F. Shelley and her daughter, Edna, spent the past week in Jensen, Utah, visiting with Mr. i and Mrs. A. D. Dudley. I 1 i Mrs. Ray Olphin of Fillmore and s her two children are spending the week in American Fork at the home of Mrs. Olphin's sister, Mrs. James ! Chadwick. j , ( New Year's day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans 1 Christensen were, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harvey and family of Pleasant 1 Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Christensen and family. ' ( The American Fork Camp of the 1 Utah Pioneers will hold their regular ' meeting at the home of Mrs. R. E. i Booth next Thursday, January 14, at 2 o'clock. A history of the life of Mrs. Booth's grandmother will be given and Mrs. Merlin Clyde will' ( give the lesson. It is desired that all members be present. The following men met at the home of Dr. James Chadwick Wed- 1 nesday evening: Stanford Briggs, Dr. Vern Houston, Elijah Chipman, ! Glen Sykes, Dr. Kenneth Noyes, David Taylor, Leo Meredith, M. L. Baird and Mark Coddington. The evening was spent in playing games i after which luncheon was served. I The Junior Literary League met at the home of Mrs. Marion Greene , Monday night. Mrs. Ross Buck-waiter Buck-waiter who was in charge of the program gave an interesting talk j on the Utah musicians, including Evan R. Stevens and Eliza R. Snow ! as well as some others who have ' played a part in the musical world of our state. She also discussed the tabernacle choir and organ and the part that music has played in the development of our state. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Devey Jr., on January Jan-uary 18th. The American Legion and the Auxiliary Aux-iliary of the Legion of Post 49 of American Fork held a New Year's party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barrett last Saturday night. The following program was given: Trio by Beth, Jess and Joan Green, accompanied by Evelyn Peck; reading, read-ing, Mrs. Alvin Monson; piano solo, Evelyn Peck; clarinet solo, Reed Parker; community singing of New Year's songs by those present and a short talk on New Year's resolutions resolu-tions which should be adopted by the legion was given by Post Commander Com-mander H. E. McNiell. The remainder remain-der of the evening was spent in play- j ing games. A dainty luncheon was served to those present who numbered num-bered about 30. Mrs. Elva Varney is receiving treatment treat-ment at the Lehi hospital where she went on January 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Halliday and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller returned re-turned from a ten day trip to California Cali-fornia on Sunday. The quartet report re-port having had a wonderful trip, enjoying every moment of the time spent out of the state. Sunday morning Ross Parker fell in the kitchen of his home and broke his right leg at the hip. Mr-. Parker is out of pain and is getting along as well as can be expected. Art Little and Wayne Holman left Tuesday morning for California where Wayne has been working for the past several months. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Robinson announce the arrival of a baby boy, born Saturday, December 2 in the Lehi hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Christensen of Ogden spent New Year's day in American Fork visiting with Jacob Christensen, who is very ill. Jacob Christensen is James Christensen's father. Miss Joyce Abel entertained twelve friends at a party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Abel, last Saturday night. Games were played, after which a dainty luncheon was served at the small- Bernard Walker returned to his duties in Denver, Colorado, Saturday after spending the holidays here. New Year's day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Booth were, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross and son, Jim, of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Holdaway left Thursday, December 31st for their home in Af ton, Wyoming, after having hav-ing spent their vacation with relatives rela-tives here and at Fillmore. Mrs. Leonard Chipman entertained entertain-ed at a dinner at her home on Monday. The table was attractively attractive-ly centered with a centerpiece of carnations. The twelve guests present pres-ent played bridge during the afternoon, after-noon, Mrs. William Householder won the high score prize. An interesting "Watch Party" was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. I E. Booth New Year's eve. After at- Mrs. B. F. Moffett entertained ror a shower last Wednesday afternoo in honor of Mrs. George Stokes, recent bride. "Bride" was playeMI during the afternoon, the prizes be ing won by Pearl Robinson and Jea'id Chipman. The bride received man.? useful and attractive gifts. Lunch.ni eon was served late in the after; I noon to the twenty-seven guest: n present. n ,a Mr. and Mrs. Alma Earl entertain' ' ed Sunday at their home in honcTjt of David Conder, the occasion be ing Mr. Conder's seventy-fifth birth-T day. All of the descendants of M it and Mrs. Conder were present wit o the exception of La Von Earl. MR Conder was presented with a "LifTi time" pen by the family. Luncheon was served to the following: Mii and Mrs. A. A. Barnes of Lehi; Mi. and Mrs. Glen Austin, Mr. and Mr.'o Will Conder, Mr. and Mrs. Clarl Conder, Mrs. Fred Osterloh, Mr. ans Mrs. David Conder and the host ana hostess. n tables. The Adams camp of the D. U. P. will meet Thursday, January 14 th 2 p. m. at the home of Laura Timp-son. Timp-son. The histories of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Abel will be given by Mrs. Mary E. Abel. All members are requested re-quested to be present. Arthur Jones of Ely, Nevada, has spent the past several weeks visiting in American Fork with his wife and her parents. Mr. Jones is employed in the mines about' 40 miles out of Ely and will return to work the beginning be-ginning of the week. tending the picture show the guests returned to the home of the host and hostess where luncheon was served and the New Year welcomed in. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gudmundsen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicholes and Mrs. Eliza Buckwalter. j A typical "Watch Party" was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adair Bromley's on New Year's eve. After the dance about twelve couples went to Bromley's where late supper was served and games played until the wee hours. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stiener won the high ladies and gents prize, i Mrs. Kenneth Sincleton received the I Delbert Chipman, Art Little and Wayne Holman spent Monday in Salt Lake City on business. Representative and Mrs. Irving L. Pratt attended the governor's in-augeration in-augeration Monday at noon at the State Capitol in Salt Lake City. Miss Edith Clarke, who was operated op-erated on for appendicitis on Christmas Christ-mas day returned home from the Lehi hospital Wednesday afternoon. Miss Clarke is improving rapidly. ladies high score, Owen Humphries won the men's high score and Mrs. Melvin Grant won the cut prize. Miss Ina Haws, Theron Haws, Del-mar Del-mar Haws, Theo, Wayne and Irvin Haws of Mesa, Arizona, and Mrs. j Earl Roylance and children of Pro-j Pro-j vo, enjoyed a delightful sleigh-riding party last Saturday. After the ride the group met at the home of Alice Jacklin where a hot lunch was served. This is the first snow that j the Haws family has ever saw. 1 Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Holdaway announce an-nounce the arrival of a baby girl, born Monday. Mrs. Holdaway was the former Vira May Bennett. and Mrs. Jesse M. Walker had as their guests at a lovely dinner New Year's day, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Adams and family, Mrs. Nellie Adamson and family all 'of Pleasant Grove and Rowena A. Doane. Miss Ellen Walker entertained her Second Year Clothing 4-H club members at a party Monday afternoon. after-noon. This club won first prizes on their clothing exhibits at both the county and state fairs. Ribbons were distributed to Fern Walker, Catherine Lee, Edna Mary Boley, Irene Carlson, Beth Holindrake, Delylla Colton and Evelyn Peck, assistant as-sistant leader. Meaning of "Banzai" "Banzai!" Is Japanese and means 10,000 years. It Is used In flip spirit of "Hurrah. Live forever." It Is a battlecry and also n snln j tatlon to the emperor. |