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Show Review - Wednesday, Oct. 7, 1987 - Page 9 Rosalie Smith named to be Elysium Club pres. The opening social of Elysium Club was held Sept. 30 at the Golden Corral. The new members were introduced and welcomed into the club with a candlelight ceremony. Club bylaws were discussed and amendments were suggested. Voting on the bylaws will take place next month. Each member was presented with a calendar which had the plans for the coming year on it. The next meeting will be a dinner and play at BYU on Oct. 28. Officers for the coming year are: president, Rosalie Smith; secretary, Pam Cluff; treasurer, Vicki Young; program chairman, Kathy Smith; reporter, Susan Lee; and historian, Louise Murdoch. The committee chairmen are: project, Lorraine Montgomery; courtesy, Darla Smith; Christmas, Connie Lamoreaux; and mother's tea, Janet Schiller. (valuable coupon1- - 1 I s the marketplace! Silk Plants I Discount Warebow I Reg. 6.99 J 387 South Main I i (next to Adventureland) I $"JL50 NOW 1 A PI. Grov. Zj V tzt . 1 Expires 101287 V mmmmwm VALUABLE COUPON Do you have one of these breaks on your windshield? ! r xSN ! ir I St Expires ! 1WV Wt BfM tffc I 101687 I r ffij """'f " DaisyBr Jff can', Don't Replace It -- - Let Us Repair It! ! $ Reparrot Savevur $noo rvrjrj Windshield Repair windshield ! I replacement J Mobile Service Cal, 78,9134 A" WOrR guaranteed for life Discounts for Senior Citizens J tmm valuable coupon)-- J Insulated Jackets jok J i $ --d i I BIG JOHN'S liP I I COUNTRY Ax' I I STORE 7 i 13 W. State Rd. ' I - Pleasant Grove . 785-093- 7 (valuable coupon I Haircut f3M IJ I lk Perm&Cut h l JTfte Total Lockj $19. I J MAimoiSiu mgms II H j 756-370- 7 ! American Fork riailS 1V II ij Specials valid with coupon only. Expires October 14, 1987. 11 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& FOOD STORES Sparkling Clean New Cup First Time Every Time! I 32 oz. I IBB I BIG Dipper lUbssJ Try our new frozen COKE! 1 309 West Main, American Fork (Next to Holley Auto) Under the BIG Dipper in Am. Fork, Provo, Salt Lake, Cedar City, Moab & Blanding VALUABLE COUPON " BIB One bag of ice FREE S3 CSf with purchase of any fjlJtrr ilJiJPj SiX-paC- k Expires 101487 T valuable coupon I ")fme goob from tle DIb fleat ' 24 West Main Lent. Utah I Get one "High Noon" sandwich FREE when you purchase a second "High Noon" I sandwich of equal or greater value. ! I Good only 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. g Expires 103187 J lust I nm VALUABLE COUPON i Beauty Encounter i October Specials S ; I . f ' v Perms s22" fi : I 7v (Haircut included) I : I 1 ' Highlighting's00 J ; Shampoo, Blow Dry I The Beauty Encounter and HairCUt $ 1 0 ! is proud to present I 1 Kim Worthen as the Expires 103187 g I newest addition to their I I staff. p -- i puj Set of i I Beauty Sculptured Nails J ' j Encounter ,, ; S welcomes $ 'Tl (95 Trenell ' V- - ! U jj B I VVM1-- l Fills M 2 ! r 2? EHCOUNTER & f"v j 1 Vi&RF ' i 1 ComPlete ' Svv 1 ' Image Experience -" 'VVlS ' l h 61 v V " : PRIISRD6 PROPANE INC. 1400 E. STATE STREET, LEHI, UTAH 84043 ev and BorrLEo fir? v x x I I i !i I vxx: v - k If This Girl Scout receives her pin in ceremonies held in the Kiwanis Room recently. Girl Scout troop holds investiture ceremony Nineteen local girls, ages 9 to 12, were formally initiated into the local troop of the Girl Scouts of America in an impressive ceremony in the Kiwanis Com-munity Room Sept. 22. Each girl individually committed herself to live her life in accordance ,ith the Law and Promise of the lck. Girl Scouts. Those making this commitment were: Marity Olsen, m. Courtney Butler, Melissa Butler, JoAnn Blackhurst, Mykin Johnson, Angela Washburn. Terry Ann Alland, Mandy Jacklin, Jennifer Fisher, Jennifer Gilson, Mandy Lunt, Candice Clark, Crystal Harris, Lindsey Peterson, Camille Lemaster, Isabelle Peck, Tracy Colunga, Christy Bone, Megan Behunin and Karen Alland. The service was conducted by Scout Leader Sandy Gilson and her assistants, Susan Behunin and Karen Alland. Refreshments were served by the girls to parents and interested parties in attendance. Parents' Visiting Night set i for Pleasant Grove Junior High The first Parents' Visiting Nights at the Pleasant Grove Junior High School will be held Tuesday evening, Oct. 13, and Wednesday evening, Oct. 14. The evening schedule is provided primarily to respond to the needs of working parents. Parents may come to the school anytime between i and 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday and 4 and 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. All teachers will be in the upstairs pod areas and the Media Center. No appointments are necessary In order to accomodate the many parents wanting to visit with the teachers, it is suggested that con-ferences last no longer than five minutes. If more time is needed, another appointment could be made. All parents are urged to take the opportunity to visit with teachers concerning their children's progress at school. The first term will end Nov. 6, with report cards issued to students on Nov. 12. Assertiveness class for young women planned at hospital An exciting class for young women, ages is now being offered through the Center of J Personal and Career Development at uvea This class was created to teach ywng women how to take control of Heir lives - that it's ok to say "No." J Hie subjects will include the basic I principles of assertiveness, how to communicate effectively, self esteem, and career opportunities. Kathryn Burnham MS will teach the seven-wee- k course each Thursday night from 6:30-9:3- Gasses will be held at the American Fork Hospital beginning October 15. For more information call 226-500-0, ext. 580. i UP&L assigns local manager J Utah Power & Light Co. has pointed Ed Miller as manager of ' company's American Fork District. Miller joined UP&L in 1967. For wpast six years, he has served as in the company's general holds bachelor's and 1'nauditor I Fork District Manager, Miller will oversee ser-vice to about 13,000 UP&L customers in American Fork, Pleasant Grove, Highland, Alpine, Lindon and Cedar Fort. A native of Utah County, Miller said he is pleased to be relocating to the area and becoming involved in civic activities. He and his wife, j Mary, have five children. j zn ! Palisade Propane opens business n in Lehi area is Palisade Propane, 6SS featurinS sales of a id bottled propane, gas ap- - equ'Pment, bottles and vjjttessities for propane use. Hu"ters: We're catering to i ,0ur needs. Stop in before Sjfout for the hunt. Ciirrrs,of Palisade Propane are Wr and Bob Mendenhall of V ?rt has been in the propane td or 20 years, "We're very roiL- ut Lehi and the 'gre a tg 3re?s- The PePle nave r they ve received us very i rdsaid- 'k n!!1uphasises that service is ?sisaU?p- - lie priority with V 1)3116 atld ProPane is J Neins 'S familiar witn safety "eas ,and can spot problem remove the safety Palisade Propane will carry a full line of camping equipment including portable heaters and gas lanterns. Space heaters and wall furnaces will be available at competitive prices. " Contractors will be interested in hand torches and construction heaters along with 100 lb. cylinders. Palisade workers will also service gas appliances, refrigerators, water heaters and furnaces. Folks who are planning their winter heating budgets should contact Palisade Propane about filling their tanks for a winter's supply. They will supply large or small quantities. The business is easily accessible fsor large outfits and is also ac-cessible to the Freeway. Located at 1400 East State Street, between American Fork and Lehi, the business is sharing the Shurtz Auto Building. |