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Show $ $ CAS IKI $ $ mm hobes Highest Price Paid in This Area CALL 225-6151 Sr 'W GftMflB A pQffiQD . , - ... r - . :. ? r s - i' i t . -v V l' i0 v ; A- T y I " I ; -- - -ll DAVID C. HIARVEY TO WORK FOR YOU UTAH STATE LEGISLATURE DISTRICT 34 Paid Political Adv. by Citizens for Harvey The man to help secure your family against crime. CASE-1 AGGRESSIVE Noall Wootton is aggressive because that is what it takes to get convictions. And convictions are what it takes to stop the spread of crime in Utah County. As Deputy County Attorney Noall Wootton has a 95 conviction rate this year. Law enforcement officers need aggressive prosecution in order to do an effective job. CASE -2 EXPERIENCE Experience is something you earn with good honest hard work; the kind of experience you want representing you, the public, in court. Six years as a deputy county attorney, 2 years as Assistant District Attorney.8 years as City Attorney, 5 years as defense attorney, 1 1 years in private practice, plus teaching constitutional law for police at BYU. CASE - 3 PARTNERS with the Peace Officer in Fighting Crime We need a County Attorney who will coordinate and work in conjunction with the law enforcement agencies of the area. Noall Wootton not only works with police, he accompanies them on their investigations and raids to insure that all the rules of evidence are being followed. A peace officer is only as effective as the prosecuter who handles the case in court. CASE -4 ECONOMY Felony cases which are presented to a jury usually cost the taxpayer from $800 and up per day. If cases are presented poorly or improperly that money is wasted and the criminal goes free. It not only makes sense to elect a competent and experienced prosecutor, it pays in the long run. Ask any peace officer why he supports Noall Wootton for County Attorney. Paid Political Ad Noall Wootton Committee. Joann Embry, Chairman. CHOICE TOP SOIL Free of Dandelions & Morning Glory FILL DIRT and SAND ALL TYPES OF SLAG Excavating and General Building N&N DEVELOPMENT, INC GENE NELSON 390 North Main - Ph. 785-2165 Evenings or 756-2067 During the Day State of Utah OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SALT LAKE CITY September 30, 1974 Dear Fellow Citizens: By State Law I have been given the responsibility responsi-bility for publishing the Ballot Title of the Land Use Referendum as it will appear on the General Gen-eral Election Ballot on November 5. 1974. Because Be-cause of the very serious nature of this Referendum Refer-endum I urge that each of you obtain and study the text of the Land Use Act in full. I urge you to consult with your friends, neighbors and local civic leaders in order that you may gain all information necessary to render a just and wise decision. Sincerely, J CLYDE L. MILLER Secretary of State What about your future? ff The number of people moving to Utah County 1 J I ' prove that we have a great place to live now but V I J are we protecting our heritage and life style for I . A the future? t I It CalMonson is uniquely qualified to assume the lf j lead in planning for growth and protecting the f LJ ' good things we enjoy now. 1 We hope that in the next few weeks, through this series of ads and through Cal's Cal Monson for 4-Year person-to-person campaign, you will better get Commissioner Committee to know Cal Monson, his unique qualifications, v , 0 and his exciting, tested plans for Utah County Karl bn0W chairmari-and chairmari-and your future here. A v A Chick Eaby, manifest clerk in Salt Lake City, Utah. We can handle it.il the Union Pacific railroad people i I I I I I k |