Show application for patent M A no united ata taj land office bait lake city lh NOT 18 1902 notice li hereby that tie bud M mining a corm ration of butth b if and attorney in fact bulwa d of hull ake city ath hu inide on lor a united platen patent or alin M hone and black mining claim lotion co toli in in n claim mining alt lc kummet county diab coi of ijiro linear e each of the acore bald lode andi ground each feet alae being urvey 0 o amb and in the alel 1 and theod caal lurvey P 1111 1 h magne lc variation at 17 deg 08 anlu calai follows li wit hum hereinafter made extending arcoui 11 lit boundaries ol 01 daiil con outdated oU dated mining clain common ing at corn erNo 1 ol 01 be h etc alon corner on auth ion 19 range heui bait lake meri dan bean aln W feet d ila t thence runn ng aid corar no asb 4 fee ko cornero 2 of tie weymouth Vey mouth lodo thence w de OS aln E 4 feet to corner no 1 of ahe black lloro of chii survey aad rom aid car ner toe 14 1 4 eillon corner n ruuth beun daiy odert lon ethla etH lt lake meridian bean S it def m i in h thence running from id corner no I 1 of the black horae loi M iff dex 01 aln w aioo feet to corner n 2 of the black home lode thence N 26 dez 08 aln and along the deaterly wea terly end alnea 1 the alck hone and black bird mining claim bodei of athla lurvey et to corner NO 3 of the black bird claim lode thence S M deg 01 rain 1161 feet to corner to lot Ih bird mining claim lode thence 8 26 deg 08 aln W feel to corner ho of the 1 de thence aln V 09 t et to on er ho lot the iVey mouth lode thence a 20 deg it aln W feet to corner no I 1 of V weymouth lode and being be place of beginning of of el tenor olida oli dc claim from corner mo 1 of the bla k bird mining claim ode which t ident cat with corner ro t of the black ilone lode the 14 ecklon corner boundary of adlon ai dutli ranzel baat salt lake meridian bean S 0 deg 1996 feet d stant bald connoll datra claim being locate la the S E 14 1 4 and 8 wl in 1 range 4 east alt lake meridian and conta ping a total area of acre excluding however there aiom the area in conflict with the aetna lot 19 ilecia lot lot ly alban loell keene lloyt lot I 1 lutui lot kublan bear lot I 1 lot mat and fat lot ml ie n survey 4 5 and ETCH ing ator burvet 4 JO bubb excluded area con 9 adf acre bet are claimed and ap piled lor being 62 CW acrea the relative petition ol 01 the and the presumed prex umed course of tue lode of each of aid claim embraced in laid conail dated claim being shown upon the pi potted on the ground aadot the plat filed with the lion for patent in the stove land odice each of i id od embraced la laid condoll dated c aim being of reco d la the ollace af the county recorder at county utah the nearest known location or mining cealma bang the lloyt lot albion lot W keene pontiac lot ml fluto lei taj aetna botlo heel lot come at last lot bear lot W white bear lot mat and fat 1 t sll nevan ur wi and even 1 direct that ahli notice be la the park decord at park city county utah tie newspaper new paper barreit th aid mining claim lot the period of nine week attorney tor applicant t pub SOT 11 03 |