Show 1 04 0 00 10 1 0 f I 1 I 1 0 04 4 I 1 0 k MINING MATTERS I 1 bupt supt bood ol 01 tl e ontario came up rom tl e cita monday an I 1 spent a coup beof dassatti dav satti e nine by tie writer regarding the recent ore strike in the shaft on the 2000 level mr 1 bcd ocd aid tl at vet nothing further was known of it 1 hat the ore aaen the bottom of the shaft however 1 ad milled an 1 eaid as goon as the limbers in tho shaft are lined up eo will work freely aare would be learne I 1 of it the is as eoon ai the 1 l aft repairing is done to cut station at the 2000 and drift for the ontario vein the ore body ere 1 vill et course receive due attention and its extent and ed the writer is also informed that tl re is no foundation for the report that reduction in tie force was to be made THE COMSTOCK came down iron tie tuesday to look after the car of ich had j arrived for his company mr I 1 as tl e building all read for this mad anery and will proceed to place it at once some delay has been occasioned through alio no arnal of all the eutsie ie carpenter work on the mill lias been lono an 1 they are now awaiting the arrival of tie iron tor the roofing in the mm work is gon g right elon and though tit would little beyond tl e fact that 1 e was making new openings and 1 respect ing tl e mine in a general dav it is quite a certainty that tl e comsto k the prospect tae and is now a mine tt hen the new ton mill tarts up bet watch tt e comstock Co matock 1 he report of the anke of a toot streak of ore alile excavating for tie boarding has been confirmed and somewhat ome what addel to to effort has as yet been made toward exploring tl efland an 1 it is not definitely known 1 I ett er it is ore in lace or not though there is little doubt tl at it is further than ali 13 it is said eliat two feet wide comes nearer tl e extent of tt e strike on tl e surface than one foot returns from which give ounces silver and other values no work 11 being done on it at present nor will be until after the boarding boue and other buildings are completed however in tl e words of an old and conservative the haa beca a mine for bearg M tl e new boiler and air compressor for tie mckenry have been placed and trill be put in operation juit as as the connections can be made the bailar is of tl e very latest pattern 60 x 16 and will do the work required of it with ease patrick atsuo directed the work of placing it and tl e corn bupt supt donnellan cut ing work in tl e mine and there is some very fine iodine ore now coming up the chaft e predict that tie Ilaw keve Mcl lenry will be the next shipper listel from tun great old camp tho latest lark city property to be incorporated is ll 11 e cincinnati consol articles were ale i in alt I 1 ake Thi the capital stock is in shares oi tl par value of 1 00 each the company s headquarters will be in salt lake the officer re john kirby president and general manager L D vice president A llan auer secretary and treasurer an 1 these with D S Tag gartand joseph makes the bom d of diorec tors tl e property of this is 12 clam s at the head of deer alfe an 1 formerly known as the sunnee and loot master claims that tie ground is valuable is evidenced by the fact that uch minn g m n have become aid it is only reasonable to suppose tl at when chev are ready to commence om mence work in earnest thi digs wi 1 boom in that particular locality M H of the daly et hae been tt e prime mover in securing the ground and effecting the or and is that the ground is valuable true indeed tl at mining is only in its infancy in lark city THE COMPANY e clip the fal lowing from the last issue of the salt I 1 ake mining liev w the I 1 ree silver mining company of this city after a lapse of twenty years during winch its park city properly has lain idle an dormant has felt tie quicken log effects of the greatly increase ed activity and prosperity so neti cable in this great wealth producing section during the past two years and is pre paring to renew operations in the ex of its patented property which his as neighbored neigh bore such properties as the chabah and the mcinenry week tie stockholders ettle oil corn any net an 1 elected a new boar 1 ll 11 e new directory including the names of such prominent and ital men as io i o M acott keye dro A alk bold lark fred irant chat kaighin charles peed aej hugh aad ergon the property of tl e comi any ie most desirably located an 1 tl ere ie no doubt but that ita development thin time on will be erratic aa well CAMP S Kira ball wa up on mining buei ns birtt of tl e week davia keith wao in town thursday locking after 1 la vanel interest 1 ere tt e last leggio of tl bait ke mining denew lin fine illustrate write up of chief mine tl e property located on scott I 1 III I 1 V rice came up from salt lake thursday Thu mornin and after attending to important returned to the city on the afternoon train J J thomas of the canyon consolidated cam up from bait lake tuesday on lucinea Lu connected with hil mining interest liere frank daly ba been promoted to the et fernian attee silver king and L walden ha been put in charge ot nork attle alliance tunnel L A jeffe of the 1 mining company journeyed to salt take Thu relay afternoon oo 00 buei in connection with 1 n com pany the new and modern park city pier is completed and by next ie expect el that tir marl anery will be put in motion and tl new plant put in active operation ford who are bloing the carpenter nork title bew aock tale tl at they will ave 1 the leont within ten day when it will be ready or tl machinery mr boril went to wednesday lo 10 make cell mates on other nork tl ural v baye dick J ot the t received ample ore aroi that park city proposition alich i of tie ol 01 tl e Woo Jeide and that ere uncovering uncover inc fortunes at eras roote it in of tt ie 1 tt at i in a time II 11 brownlee ramo up rom tl city morning and raid off tl employee at tl bt lour ontario mr report that depth ot bot has lan react el an 1 a ill run to cut tie ledge very promising at promoter 1 ave every conff lo 10 ice tl air labor will 1 a richly regarded tl e paly june in bung ane 1 up 1 ape by 1 breina ddn me an 1 itle atod tl at larnen t a len ll 11 e twelve adre 1 level tl manage ment knew wl at ll 11 y in ll 11 J great property 11 elioso i tl u in side were ertain rt ain fiat it was ly u attar 0 a few t tl moat I 1 e ore mist ore bod iee would and tl a daly ju le rai k tl big wealth luann g camp so while it will be good news to all nhen it officially tl at the oro badios have leen read ed it will bo no iu yesterday workmen commenced a hi old adly mach merr over to tl e erty tl e bout and boiler ochele oC rele oilman w as landed at tl e ro erty the first of alie week and mil soon be in I 1 reports come irom the aibe J t 11 elipa wl for two d past kas bieu bueu working in the brooklyn mn e a property by lark city cople and located near ll ailey I 1 laho la back to the 1 ark for abe winter john guardian ad kiltin julia arancis breenan daughter of tb late 1 at breenan lug bint district court against tl mining ceni any for a fourth in three of tl e lam adiv e jam s 1 mikii laa the 0 it new lum annery and ever thina 11 now in readiness or a campaign ol 01 rapid d ve febi t mari e appy now llie time mery 11 in placa and lias no fear of the future outcome of tl e pro deity the bait lake bumpily coin any last to rewire the duly eat ehatt pulling m ahe gain s in u at abe baly judge lights will 1 put down to abe level U hackle in chare of the nork under tb of 1 walker it ie 1 well tood tl at ebrouk men are on tl e verge of closius a deal tor abe constellation 8 fark city properly iro perly lint tie last ai all daia will out a protest or attempts at delay on the pan of lere indicates that something lom ething will drop very ua orlly bo ear abe herald m D bocan the veteran miner and prospector of abi camp was ID the lark tor lew 1 our tl is areek he lias been ole all in wt and while he bai not ae yet truck ore be ea 1 hn 1 are most encouraging he heavily inter betted oer in anake crek and alula here put men to work to cover the ne lessary assessment J isaason reports that he has corn plated 85 feet of tl e oot contract awarded him on abe old bannse el aft now known as the cincinnati and that bv the loth imbt h will be when drifting tor abe leate will corn mence the pro erty is located in daer alley and tl e owners propose to make a mio thore if cantal and lurd work mil produce it james cescel bloh s been didenti fied with null work in the lark for so many years left afternoon tor mill oily where he will haie cl arge 0 tl e mill work for tl sheba milling aid mining comi any an old company located lu tt e star mm ng of cevada and abe janaee mentia to be congratulated on securing such aa able and valuable man aa mr cescel to direct their fiill work hews tl at will be of great interest to stockholders of tl e old adaly la that fact that it has been decided by the manage ment to sink a shaft on the Ma zeppah laim of this company which adjoins 1 e quincy claici were abe great net ea of the quincy were found by thu development it can be easily edithl m coee into 11 ground in all proba ability it does bork will be com mencas on the i ew shaft alit away alex bright and collier who belt 1 ere 11 may for thunder mount am and mothr idaho point returned to the lark wednesday tie report that during bleir even months outing they have traveled trave lel over good deal ot country and have made bome lo 10 which they hope will proe pro stable I 1 mounta n they ay that it la overrated and that tl ey would not advise anyone to a there tl ere is plenty ot country in idaho however that they tl ink will come to the front especially tl e I 1 iver country they hae interests in the latter and as soon as spring they ill return and dellop them following are tl e el 0 ore rom the mackintosh hampler tor tl e past neek daly west ontario anchor con california 25 lorinc total number ol pound 3 silver king 1 2 grand hotl 4 ago |