Show A terrible A accident happened to oung geore licheay monday evening resulting in tb loss of all the fingers and part of the thumb of the right hand fie was engaged in sawing wedges at the anchor and was lust putting in the last piece for his shift nhea it suddenly flipped either tb saw striking a enot or from bome other cause bring ing bis hand in contact with the rapidly revolving saw and in an instant severing all four finders and a portion of the thumb S quickly ws it done that the young man did not realize that ha bad lost practically his whale hadj and h ent to a fellow workman and ailed him to tie it up remarking that 1 e bad cut it slightly on desco the of the injury the victim was brought at once to dr alfon whre dounda the saw had don its work successfully the amputation per feet and all the physician had to do was to repa the bones and draw the aleah oer them for a stub it is an extremely sad acci lent maiming as it daei the young roan tor life told too that it was his in to go into the mine next morn ing as monday was to be his last shift at tb saw |