Show ahen you want something in the tine ot fancy cheese call on il s a f SA t m angelit to jact see w hat ou can do with at the parl city bazaar locket disinfectant ward off smallpox an 1 other for lala by U G liatti call at tt e congregational church dec irth and see the pretty and use tul articles for sale leave your order or turkeys with us we will treat you light h D for the best groc enss in town go to wilson A Morten aen chap hen our skin ia rough and c appod remember that Chap oliue Is the best remedy you can buy for sale by II 11 G BATES for sale at a bargain forty feet frontage fron taga with location W midgley 67 main bt salt I 1 ak city mer co e 2 alunday avery department of our mammoth establishment invites you to call and see displayed the most elegant line of staple and fancy holiday goods ever shown in the city I 1 A w wi 1 p f r ii t fi w i rt i n vi yi iii HS i v i U i 0 i n a ia r DOLLS mechanical TOYS IRON TOYS aels vs blackboards CHAIRS DRUMS BLOCKS the center of the grocery dept has DISHES GAMES FROM ac TO EACH y been ato this department for the HOM season and here HORNS TOILET SETS ALBUMS SHOE t ya will find the most elegant lines ever FLYS BANKS BOOKS ac t together in one place t t KC t aass OV i vhf y y ira c sk i sn n ri i hii CIS i 11 i si P i 11 i i lt i a vr 5 afi miah i i 0 the largest assortment of cut glass and silverware ever shown in the city AT ABOUT HALF JEWELERS PRICE y v i t rf i i iy ay c i wl b h W 1 7 tsu ill 1 alb I 1 K 1 V acl afa lm 1 lial ivl Ot yi VS al t S 7 ts carving sets cutlery ware r set y vi bac y aay ay ly wy B 3 3 ya v su i ay r nf i i th wf f f WS K ansai nn Sai i A mountain mufflers handkerchiefs 4 ties gloves hats Is our shoe dea and they make nice holiday presents suits and overcoats JL A few nice choice coats and suits nas M S ashheim Ach heim mercantile 0 0 0 meet you at 0 0 the osk S 9 s um c w hf yei f S J f SL mai I 1 fe iBB the resort in park city 0 i or wines liquors and biars 0 0 are the very best manufactured club rooms in connection sprigs prior CO three doors below P 0 cwi wwi ww i the best place for pure wines liquors and fine cigars is at 1 l george War j JUST BELOW PARK CITY HOTEL t abt for the T zi ik I k celebrated clemp teer campbell me donald architects A BUILDER all classes of mill on notice fixture work a specialty 0 build anything from a box to a mansion shop and factory marsac mill an ounce ot prevention equals a lound 0 cure carr a pocket ilasin clant tor alo by 11 Q hates DR E VIKO SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN OFFICE wi third so 15 W becony so 1 bond Z bait CITY UTAH |