Show PARK FLOAT bo armed at the home of johnson estilda estt lda morning 1 acl henson hen son purchased the U W residence in the w nl thu eek the 1 1 guild will meet at alie home ot mr A mccarta next t loci to new saloons have opened up in th lark this reek ding ih low 1 her t e pail week babies lave armed at the homes ot t 1 terson and tin eail cl to morrow at abe cl liilian cie venicee ee nicee ft ill be god the 1 re berer man 11 are maled mrs tobin le an advertise aint in this isue announcing eliat el e hai ali agency lor the s tea and I 1 er a call 1 il tobin laj thecae 0 hi leg badly cat at thi ontario anis the acca dent will lav 1 mi up tor federal das tl en will be no services cervices vices at the apis copal to morning on of tie illness 0 1 ey aarnes hober is laid up with a badly ankle the injury recen ex by jumping from til wagon en elit pery R T Kira ball ha been to hia home all beek with a threatened u attack 0 pneumonia lie ie now on the t ve ll 11 t been to stop nork on i abe exia valion tor the new ish ans coll A buck building until the ea her becomes more settled many people of the park were niti fled at tl e electrical display in the heavens maht lightning s lit up tt sky at intervale or fully an amr pennsylvania drew a food sized au dilice at theater saturday night and was pronounced one of the best attractions that has tinted abe lark this leason lalta a miner at the kinz had hie ankle crushed wednesday by timbers aline upon it lie wai taken to tie hospital at alt lake in tl e afternoon and is doing as well as could be expected there will be no services at alie M church evening owing to tl e 1 memorial services at the dewey theatre there will be no at the congregational church or the same reason the salt lake electric supply corn pany 13 again out with the prize calen dars a number a inch were ei in abe fark bret ot the week this pan v leads every ear in the charac ter of their calendars the funeral ol 01 atas held irom tl e church sunday after noon I 1 ev father gall gau officiating A large number of friends attended showing tb hish esteem in which de eased was held in 1 ark city J M jordan district deputy head consul of the modern of america 1 as succeeded in the enrollment of thirty five names and will institute a lodge 1 I that order bere on the mat A letter received from jackson lair hurst now at seattle states that I 1 e has ch angel situations once since bis real it n cell ere the Droba bilies are also tl at jack will of tl e keith 0 brian firm at bait lak at t marks hospital thursday after noon mrs 1 bird un an oi aeration f r the removal of a rou crowal urda we t tl e effert that tl e in ly rail ed spiced ill from the effected of the operation ai I 1 ie doin acel arranged Ar rangen ants are beine male for a tw enta round mexican lete of cripple colo and tony lynott of this city tl e match will be for aloo a side the winner to take all fate deceit te dext is abe lay fixed for the bout tie new gorlinski map of park city and Alt awill be ready for delivery ceat week without fail it is a valuable map and every minin man should are sole aiels ain ls tor I 1 ark city and orders left at tl s office will recene prompt attention tl e member of the congregational sunday school are requested to meet at tl e church at 9 45 sunday morning lot cati en minutes before school olens miss Vo odward and miss baill man will be present to teach carrels carrols there will be copies of tor all at the summit county teachers in t eld in coalville Co alville the following were elected U G smith nt ig vice treasurer ml frank executive cen J II 11 ilance A blocher ani alii urn tl next institute will b held in I 1 ark city after the boli il hunting for haakine ii tl e attract ti it 18 one of tt e and clearnt corn ediee on 11 e road andai praised by both areia and public wl rever played it perform 1 by 1 company an i is staged to for ume huntice for haw kini not be ance s W has laed he busin eee bf ed and now prepared to do all kinds of work in hn line mr mac J bald is an expert blacke raith and in all of mine ark tie excel for I 1 e has bad year of practical experience havinga work in thi line or in adv other IR will mike no mie take in giving him a trial death ted abe home of mr and king lat morning anil their t aby boy Manel lui aie 1 1 monti litt leonel al been flick fer tomo t roe with typhoid fever an 1 abe luring care and atten t n received the dread coul 1 not be ct decked the funeral occurred monday afternoon the residence 1 wag attended mr and mr g are sympathized with n tt ir be reave in lay morning officer arsun WB ballul into tl e wede baloon on main treet wl ere he toun J daniel donal leon u evere attack of n n a II 11 wae removed all wt 1 e expired thornly 1 alie i i lal been henling bar at lanoue 11 1 it 10 far a kt own bad no in t at la or relatives in the I 1 ark H I 1 inel tt e city 1 I 1 wae alxxia aj icare of age tl I 1 ina tie 13 old i 2 tt r f clr and mr hale tl I 1 T laet rom pneumonia and tt macli the little one wa imbt at an age and ite icari 11 a ad blow to the lovine parents wl of abir many KII f leali in tt la tt air hour of trial tt e H tui era ook ete rilay afternoon alt rom tle I 1 ome and was largely at 1 tended badiei were ont week soliciting ind or tl e of a ar widow living in deer alley e e amed that tl e infant child of thie poor w man fallt ear frostbite frostbit frost bit tn tl e other night tl dougli insufficient lothing ani bering such a 1 l not faiet in tl camp nor 0 o il 1 ev if tie acet were known to people however we are to 1 tl ere quite a number of widow ani to whom U 1 an 1 of nl elcid be stretched arl i |