Show application for patent cited stacee lon I 1 01 bull lake hy ah NOT 1902 noll e la hereby given hat ail er all mining a corpo lion under III law 0 hub by andoh H author zed ami of ball lake uty I 1 lab makes aal lor a state patent ur abe arthur lode mining claim situate in abe I 1 antab mining dillet P county utah of life tet alonz said lode and surface ground 00 feet wide i survey no 4 and described in ih eld nete and plat of th boffl ial survey 01 file tu thie aluce will mag bell bezou min east as fellows corn at post no 1 from which th guarter between 10 and SO ao t rani eaxt salt lake meri dial bears 10 th deg min bait 2 fet tl enc rom gald 11 no 1 th ix icel te pot 0 o thence to pat 03 then g wet 14 feet to pout no 4 theare 1 orth 1 min east 2 feet to poet no 5 thence doran 5 dek 59 m Q west feet to post so irac north a dc east ai 7 feel to poet NO thena louth 13 deg 40 min abt 2 trl NO thence otilli edg SO ml et coln aleci lo 10 p tso 1 the place of be inning the presumed gereral of the lode ig as follows commencing at the disco en coiet which beara north r deg ie mitt 33 8 feet from post 0 o of his laim it rum uth deg min last I 1 4 feet ti the southerly end line and from said discovery dIsc oTery point north 8 deg 0 min west ass 4 iet and irenc north 13 rte arte lu min feet to the aarti ariy end 1 e II 11 eto al a e of this claim Is acres trum wh I 1 Is excluded the ar a in conflict w th II 11 eb IY r bell lode of I 1 1 acres and th K ann IH lobro acres an I 1 th nalle ill acice and the kisslan idear lode of 1 acres a total of W acres the net area andai ilca tor lila 10 acres ad join 1 are ivor bell oil finx aad D A M lo 10 ie cl a d mat an 1 rat kushlia AI 1 h te bear a 1 da m 1 of in the of tl e nty recorder of summit cownty I 1 tan book 0 t ija atlon onas page 31 and n enok oi re corili I 1 direct that abis not e be published I 1 TI park record at park ity of bbate of altah the n published act 3 est tk said con olidae 1 n ining aim tor pe od of cons 1 ka D II 11 BB N W attorneys mm pub spy last jan 03 |