Show notice in many parts of the city officers ha been elec ted to the legislature their reg nation hare been tendered to the municipal pal ty they it euch action is what will mr retain the MB or eo to the legislature THE ee lection of IV D button as city councilman to fill the vacancy cau ed by the death ot D A gillis a good one mr button ie a level headed buel ca ann indue feel satisfied that 1 e till do his full duty in th tion of t e city affair there are re forms and hope the new councilman mil see the necessity of them and take a flarnt egand in assisting to rr ale tl em PARK CITY has been receiving much favorat ie comment rom robert be 1 mine inspector of idaho tor weeks he studied the of alna district and in a lene article in last monlay s tn bune gave hi coccim lie is enghu bias ic and predicts for this camp a mar and rapid growth district any in the west for cial investment of capital anle this is conets to those familiar with park city it nevertheless gratifying to have the facts heralded abroad by competent outsider f is a vait difference in what oin may term eloquence the ether evening the writer heard one of the mot eloquent appeals for charity coached in language to be e ire tl at was neither smooth nor velvety crude it might be termed by those whose hearts it failed to touch or w totalled to to note that it flowed from an earnest honest source aboe was pure end simple charity backed by the mott manly of sentiments and honest desires e say it may have seemed crude to those hearts it failed to touch but there gasn t one who heard it in this class the subsequent con tribu eions attested ea there is eloquence and eloquence and there are men and men AN eul of the run ing business busi nesa which is most as dangerous to legitimate promoting aa taking is tl e method by some promoters ft ho are dev eloping a property in faith bat who moke such extravagant claims be fore the result of development warrant them say the boiton mining bureau it is really shameful ful the way a possible buyer is looked upon a perfectly ie prey by some owners of pro mines ever thing is aisie presented to him the prices are rais ed beyond all reason and to cap the climax every other property in tie district Is roundly blackguarded black guarded if the prospective buer should happen to look with approval upon gome other fellow e claim that such actions can but rebound upon the bead of the man who 1 guilty of them is almost self evident think ing man can not be convinced that all of the mineral values of a district are fined to one claim lie lias an idea that it ie logical to assume eliat ore is liable to be found in mere places than one and it i right if tl ere is any mineral value in a at all it is just as liable to be found in one pot as an other of course this assertion is to be applied to an nn developed unclassified district the investor should consider fully any proposition submitted to him and shou d be able to discriminate di criminate bet nten the good and the bad promoter an erent property in goo hands is apt to make better returns than a good proper ty in charge of financial agents in many baies there is neither property of value promoters of re liability and against tl ese schemes we again warn our |