Show A surprise tuesday night after the regular 0 park lodge io 4 h of I 1 tt e lodge room was invaded by about forty ladies the mothers wires daughters ami sweet of the who had planned a burprich resulting in one of the nicest impromptu affairs ever enan in the lodge room tho stags were alien to completely unawares that they did not know what to d or how to do it but after the lilies had inform ed them of the object of their visit mrs bellr krisl actina as mistress of cere bomes momes announced the following pro gram bong 0 T frnk recitations by muses K morris and miss lillian hedges song joseph kamp recitations by IV D watsen and mrs I 1 bad don refreshments were tl en serve 1 by tie ladies after which games social converse and a general good time followed before clodin cl osin C A blocher on be half of I 1 ark lodge thanked the ladies tor the surprise and entertainment afforded informing ormine them that the mem ory of the pleasant ebent w last i ith the members forever mrs J C 1 tulips and mrs joseph kemp wore responsible for the affair aad may well feel proud of the result |