Show CITY COUNCIL W D sutton appointed to pill the bacan cy in the counce the city council met wednesday eight mayor liana in the chair councilmen williams and getsch answered to roll call and coun cilman ileon lame in later BILLS AND tie following I 1 ilia worn read and aliened I 1 ark city coal co 6 28 I 1 U atson 15 00 ulea co IS 00 llop kina coal co 10 35 aier co ba 00 dij t heat lon erCo ISO 00 II 11 deighton 15 45 ur L K 24 co 1 ark record GO 50 addison A son 4 co elsh buck 16 40 telephone compaan 30 R D sutton 10 50 J ackoff 8 25 V E loyd 4 70 lumbar co J I 1 richardson 2 00 m I 1 9 50 I 1 a roll and time cocks 1613 79 total 2 62 the city treasurer a his re port for the month ai follows bal on hand ast 1st 2598 72 pa d I 1 olice court aso 00 I 1 licenses 10 J 50 from 14 00 tabei 57 total aa harran paid 78 balance on hand 67 the report of the recorder was the game as that of the treasurer with tie exception of allowing outstanding nar ants to the amount of the city justice reported binea collect el for lie month the amount nas collected in cash and I 1 in labor the uty marshal reported fifty ano arleita tor the month the bexton reported fifteen deall a tor the month 13 male 2 female ane bodies shipped out A petition for a and electric light on park avenue in front of tie catholic church was read and after a little consideration was tabled the question quei tion of makine prisoners earn their keep nas broucht up and the marshal was instructed to bee that able bodied ners be required to work councilman thought it would be a good idea for the policemen to be around when are let out and prevent so much hoodlumism this concurred in there were fourteen smallpox caws re ported and a motion prevailed tl at dr lard be given altire charge of tie arnal pox cases though tie other cian would report all caes coining to their notice the recorder was instructed to insert a notice in THE RECORD noti ting all citizens to clean off their sidewalks alks maor alvans then stated thai tie selection of a councilman to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of dun can gilia wa in order and named D sutton as hr choice for the position A vote was taken resulting in the con formation fir mation of mr sut on as councilman council then adjourned to december |