Show LODGE ELECTIONS ednes lay uintah lodge no 7 1 V M elecie i for tl a ensuing year tt omas M william A S W I rank ameri J john helly h elly treasurer A clocker secretary charles heath trustee the installation 0 the I 1 above officers will take place on batur day PARE 11 LODGE NO 7 I 1 0 monday night tl e above lodge held its semi annual the follow me greult R J gill A 0 james biowell G M secretary lecreta ry win kneale treasurer W jefford trustee OLIV BRANCH lododio LODO EiO 8 I 1 0 thursday evening the following officers were elected to ere the above lode the next term J II 11 lanon N john linder V G lockhart secretary L E hubbard treasurer J 1 atuck trubee joint of ilia two I 1 0 0 jb lodges and the daughter of be bacca ill be held on the first M on lay in january ceases HONOR tl evening the decree 0 honor 0 U elected the following era mrs allen tobin of II 11 mrs joau gray L of mrs florence canty of ti mr annie kervin recorder mn b ama alvan financier vre agnes llor receiver uis uil er miss mand loot I 1 Y mr jennie alyde trustee dr ilson medical examiner LADIES OF park city hive no 2 i elect ed tl e following officers thursday after noon to berve tor 11 e ensuing term goinn ander lady ivie lt corn lady gibson record beeper lady curley financier lady dobir chaplain laly il steele mistress at arms lady N I 1 eterson sentinel een tinel la ly L steele eer geant lady teller trustees ladies M mcdonald L batel a d i liams installation will occur on january and 2nd ONTARIO 0 1 A 0 V ft last night the above lodge elected to govern tor tho ensuing year clifford clebert M VV A ormiston foreman m overseer jim don recorder frisk financier m 1 receiver II 11 R kella latter I 1 W 0 W trustee dr 0 M ileon medical exan ainer DIVISION to 1 H the biennial election of officers of io 1 A 0 II 11 took place wednesday dec ard 3rd and the following ere elected for the ensuing term peter dark president viva mcqueeney president tim secretary lecreta ry murty kiely records g e etaro 1 eter farnon treasurer dom nick kegan sergeant ger geant at arm john entzel eugene ha aman of ct anding committee donovan pat trainor 1 rustles |