Show Over Oyer the County Agents Agent's Desk Summit County Count farmers and ranchers are reminded d to lo complete corn com pete their farm plans early this year ear so to they can sign up for cost bare under the 1960 Agri Agriculture culture Conservation Program A special Cl l reminder to all rancher who plan on Deferred notation flotation Grazing that the final date for tor signing Up tip for tor this practice tics tice Is Feb 1 1960 1060 All other practice In Summit County c can n be signed up when the lLe farmer Is ready reatty to do the work However the practice should be signed up a month In advance to give the county committee com come time to approve or disapprove die dis approve the practice County Agent Lloyd Clement advises that forms for Utah State Stall motor fuel fuet taxes refund are now available In his office He lie reports that a six cent per gallon rotund refund for fuel used off the highway will willbe willbo be bo r refunded funded this year Instructions for tor tiling filing the claims are printed on the reverse side of the fc form m. m I I Although the filing deadline is rot not until June 30 30 the farmer should have the forms dorms in possession possession posses posses- sion slon so that he may be better able atlo to gather the data which will willbe willbe be bi necessary for tor his refund I I Dont Don't forget the CUBA Dairy Banquet which will be held Thursday Thurs Thurs- day In the Ward Chapet Chapel Cha Cha- pel pet at pm p.m. reminds County Agent Clement The outstanding dairyman of Summit County will be named at this time and presented with a beautiful trophy Summit County Fair Board oard members headed by Edison J J. J Stephens president attended the State Fair Board Doard meeting in Salt Lake Wednesday January 20 20 Prime purpose of the meeting I 1 was to determine dates for various various vari vari- ous county tall fairs l throughout the state Attending the Great Salt Lake Council meeting in la Salt Lake Friday Fri day night was Lloyd Clement newly appointed ted District Com Corn Commander wander mander of Gt this area The meeting will concern a national training conference in New Mexico which is designed to increase the skill of Scouting in the Salt BaIt Lake Council Steady growth in the area requires promotion and supervision su su- supervision on the district level |