Show Simpson Simp on with Sen Humphrey Utah's Farmers Farmer's Union President President Pres Pres- ident Douglas Simpson Kamas was host to U United States d' d States Senator Sen ator Hubert Humphreys when the latter made a campaigning I stop In Salt Lake City and environs environs en en- en- en January 11 There f fOl 1 fol- fol ol 1 towed lowed a busy schedule that lasted lasted lasted last last- last last- ed Into the next morning I IMade Made TV Film I IThe The first stop was at the University Urn Uni of ot Utah where the Senator Senator Sena Sena- tor made a fifteen minute Question Ques tion and answer film mIri to be tele tele- over Educational TV at an opportune later date He lie then filled tilled a a speaking engagement at dinner meeting in Ogden which took place at the Hotel Ben lien Lomond In Brigham City he spoke e to a group of people at the the Court House President Dam Chase hase of t Utah University University In jn Logan feted feted Humphrey and Simpson 1 M Mayor Plowman and the city councilmen of Smithfield enter- enter d t them m at 6 pm pm p.m. and nd In the evening Humphrey addressed 50 In th the Ju Junior ilo High s School hool Building a ai at a Farmers' Farmers Union meeting 4 if 41 C l felt that at every individual who met and talked with the senator was impressed at his projected projected projected pro pro- dedication to his Jis ls Job ana and Ideals He lie Is a religious man and a fine person said Simp Simi son Question Answered After every meeting there were questions and answer p per periods per per- r- r lode and off oU the cuff Senator Humphrey could answer any query put to him He Ee stated that he would like to m meet et other nominees In a series of ot Lincoln Lincoln- Douglas type of ot debates to which citizens would be welcome and am providing a a comparative criteria of ot evaluation points for voters Senator Humphrey said that thai he had Introduced a bill into the Senate In Washington of Interest in interest interest In- In terest to Utah farmers Simpson noted that it was almost on Identical Identical Identical Iden Iden- replica of the Farmers Farmer's Union National Program after listening to Humphreys Humphrey's explanation explanation explanation of it and hearing the billand bill blU billand i and hearing his stand on it atthe at atthe I Ithe the Smithfield meeting I |