Show 9 Per Cent Hike in Personal Income in Utah Personal income In tn Utah during dur duro ing lag 1959 reached a total of billion an increase of 9 per cent i over figure and the states state's personal income in 1960 Is 8 s ex ex- to reach billion with an employment Increase of That report is contained in In First Security Banks Bank's Newsletter which will ibe be distributed this week it was announced First Security reports that despite despite despite de de- de- de spite strikes employment in Utah Utahn in hi n 1959 reached new high lev levels and ind d toy by December was 25 per pel cent above figure Employment in Utah's missile industry Increased Increased increased in In- creased during the year from 1000 to The Newsletter says that in 1960 the states state's employment employment employment em em- will increase approximately approximately in addition to the employment re-employment in copper once the strike is settled Department stores In northern Utah showed an increase in sales volume of 9 per cent in 1959 over The outlook outlook- for 1960 is for further increases First Security notes New and used car sales in the state in hi 1959 were 3 32 per cent higher than Retail sales generally in Utah in 1959 1859 reached an estimated million millton Cash farm income in Utah from agriculture In la 1959 was approximately approximately approximately million which was below bolow total Farm Income In III the state In 1960 may be lower than the Newsletter notes However If water conditions Improve improve improve im im- prove and the year two drought Is la broken some increases in la Income income in- in come from livestock and crops Is Ii anticipated First Security reports |