Show I New Books and Benefactors Hel Help p Park City Library Growth in 1959 The Park City Library Board feels a sense of gratitude because of the growth of the library during the year of 1959 It might be interesting for the th public to know that bool books have been placed on the shelves 55 books discarded these discarded these include In Include Include In- In clude worn out volumes and dup dup- There were 62 new books pur pur- chased The mon money for tor this came from money returned d to the li library U- U from the Park City cor cor- corporation corporation from dues duea and rentals of books from the sale Bale of ot du duplicate du- du plicate books books' and old copies COpiN of ot the National Geographic magazine magazine mag mag- azine which had been given to th the lIbrat library from mone money given by Women's Athenaeum and from money earned by a rummage sale conducted by library board members The Ahe other additions have b been n gifts gifts books books given to the library by the Veterans Veteran's library of ot Salt Lake discarded volumes from tram the Auxiliary of the American Institute of ot Mining Engineers from the Mineralogical Society of 01 Utah tram from Individual dorms donors The p people of Park ark City can be proud of this little library and anda a little litHe more use of or the library on their part would be bo ap I predated iby Eby those who hay have worked hard to make It worth while On the shelves are many books of fiction some of them very recent being published in 1958 and 59 There is a whole new shelf of mysteries and good bi bl blo Why not read Randall's Randalls Randalls Randall's Rand Rand- alls all's Mary Lincoln or The Life Lite of Benvenuto Cellini In non nOI fiction try America I J Like You or John Gunther's Gunthers Inside Russia WllLiam William Wil wn liam Stephen Grooch's Skyway to Asia Ala pr or maybe Art Linkletter's Linkletter's I ter's ter humorous book Kids Say I the Things Things- Things I I |