Show Diane Wallin I II I I Is New Organist Organist- Under the direction of If f Ella Bowden Dowden Seagull leader a 11 Very successful s Parents 1 Demo was h held at the church let last Sunday Sun Sun- Sunday day afternoon U it was Yell well at attended at- at tended and delicious ous menU ments were s served Stake j nry y pr pI Iton will be b held at the In n Kamos next ay atS nt at S 8 nm pm We would like to have nave n a gool attendance from our wait I f i The TM Relief Society appreciated very cry much the he large attendance at their Literature meeting In latt t Monday night when the was so 80 bad f n ane Wallin Wallin has nan accepted th thu th position of or t in the Relief Society organization Buchanan was reN Md with n I II I vo con 0 of thanks thank from all the 1 members for tor the goad work rh ah has done while serving In this capacity Mrs Buchanan and her family alive moved to Salt Lake They will be missed as they were very active In our ward I I I On January 12 12 the sC scouts of ot I I the Park City v ard enjoyed a n a swimming party at the Wasatch I I Plunge In Salt SnIt Lake City They were accompanied by Grant Peel Scout leader and Raymond Childs of or the Bishopric The committee In charge of or orthe the wood finishing in our church Is very gratified at the response of the ladles ladies Jn ln the ward In helpIng helpIng helping help- help Ing with this Job |