Show Paratyphoid Strikes Park City Residents Given Inoculations A program to provide free immunization Im im- Immunization shots against typhoid I fever to all aU residents of Park city I was as meeting with splendid response re reo re- re Wednesday and Thursday of this week Mrs Lennie and Mrs Jean are giving the shots assisted by Park lark City ladles ladies who are doing clerical work I Vaccine was provided by State I Board Doard of Health j I Syringes were provided by funds from the Park City Health Coun Court I cil cit Cotton Colton was donated by Dr But Sut i ton 1 Alcohol was donated by Central Drug of Park City All AU other work was donated by citizens of ot Park City The campaign was taken as a safety measure after two suspected suspect ed cases of a sickness related to the same mine group as typhoid fever turned up In the community These cases of paratyphoid fever are not typhoid fever Itself but are cousins to tn It according to medics The shots were given to school schoolchildren schoolchildren schoolchildren children at the schools and to adults and school pro children at atthe atthe atthe the Park City Memorial Building Enough vaccine was on hand to provide shots for all aU those who might wish to take part In the program said Mrs Lennie supervisor of the Miners Hospital In Park City Two suspected cases of paratyphoid paratyphoid fever In Park City were caused by another type of organIsm organIsm organism organ organ- ism which is similar to typhoid bacillus according to tn Russell S. S Fraser director of the departments department's departments department's departments department's depart depart- ments ment's laboratory The vaccine however will not I Ibe be effective this organIsm organ organ- Ism lam he said It is possible that the patients became ill due to a breakdown In sanitary facilities facUlties he said Because Because Because Be Be- cause of this typhoid fever might result and the immunization pro pro- gram will be bc used as a prophylactic tic measure Mr Fraser said Operators of the Park City Telephone Telephone Tel Tel- Telephone ephone office called every subscriber subscriber sub sub- scriber In the book asking them to register for the immunization |