Show Ethel Installed as Pythian Leader Park Temple Templo No 12 Pythian Sisters held most Impressive installation in ceremonies at the Memorial Me mortal morial Building Jan 15 at 8 pm p.m. I IThe The following officers were installed Installed in installed stalled by installing officer Ruby Dingle assisted by Lillian Bircumshaw Bircumshaw Bir- Bir cumshaw and Nell Thompson Most Excellent Chief Ethel Excellent Senior Mildred Nel Nel- son Excellent Junior Nora Simp Simp- son Treasurer Vera Secretary Donna Evans Manager Marge Angell Protector Mary Santy Guard Louise Snow Press Correspondent Ruby Dingle Din Din- gle Trustees Lillian BIrcumshaw Mae Paxton Capt Captain in Degree Staff Nell Thompson Pianist Blanch Fl Fletcher Past Excellent Chief Helen Statham in r After the Installation a social hour with games games and refreshments refreshments refreshments refresh refresh- ments was enjoy enjoyed d. d |