Show i I f 4 ENEFER h Mr and end Mrs Wesley Orans n mid i 1 n Jean n And Paul of ot M Mountain t Oreen wet were visitors nt nt th the the H H li tYe Wr Ke fit t th their lr friends Mr Mt and Mr Ordell Stephens and family t It U I is hi reported that Mr And Ancl I Mi hn Stephens M. M lorm former formerly r. r ly- ly y br f tr n re recently moved from their h homo mo In Afton tt n. n Wyo Wyn to tl Salt LR Luke Lake City where he has hM tins tins' I accepted ft n position Raughn Taylor flew via Jet set Jetto Jetto to 10 Van Nuys Calif last w week k for lor forn lorf n f few w weeks where he w w u s sent m mb TSy by b employer tr er the MarqUardt Company Mr and Mrs Mra Ben nn Barton Barlon son on Dennis ot of Clearfield were wert visitors tors at nt the home of her parents parents par par- Mr and Mrs James Tay Toy lor jor Mrs I. I Leona Ona Tweed Is reporter reported to be Improving following minor surgery In a n a Salt Lake hos hospital last fast week She spent n a few days davs da daIn In fn Salt malt Lake at the homes of or her er f sons Eons fn n Mr and Mrs Mra Gordon Cordon Tweed and Mr and Mrs Jahu s Tweed J. J Mrs Don C Connie n flew Into Salt Satt Lake Li from Mary fary- Maryland land where she has hag been stayIng stayIng stayIng stay- stay Ing with her husband while white he helias helias lias has been in tb the Armed Services Mrs D ea den will visit with her par parents to Mr it 1 Mrs Mn J. J A. A Stuart Stu rt of M organ Morgan and Mr and Mrs Ray Hay b bearden of Henefer Henofer She reports th that it her husband Is s plat plating ing with wit the base basketball team warn and will wilt be on tout tour ul with the team tor for several weeks In Inthe Inthe Inthe the near future Mr and Mrs Frank Jaques spent the last weekend In Layton Layton Layton Lay- Lay ton with his parents Mr an 1 Mrs ors John Jaques The elder eldr Mrs Jaques has been ill lIl but Is Isnow Isnow now improving Mr and Mrs Ms Owen Roberts attended attend d the F Farm im i'm Bureau banquet banquet banquet ban ban- In In Morgan Morgan Io ia t dY night Ig t. t Mr and rl Mss Irs JUch Richard Richard rd Jon Jones s visited In 1 Cle with their law daughter Mrs Elsena ls na Jones and dau Karrle Karrie and Sherolyn on Friday t. t t. t Mr and Mr Mrs Ted Foster and Mrs Lydia att attended th the tha wedding and reception of th their tr granddaughter and niece Mr and Mrs Mm Dale Hughly In Salt Lake City last Friday evening Mrs MN Mighty was the former E Eldean dean Hambelton daughter of D A wand and I Mrs Q t. t 1 r v fJ iI Mrs taur Mr a ait Mrs Mm AlvIn Rl and four children and Mr and Mrs George an l i on m Kyle yle of o Gridley California were were Henefer Hen Henefer Henefer Hen Hen- efer visitors weekend They were house hOllS guests of Mr and Mrs I MK I Rt lied and Mrs JJ y r I Ins and Mr r MM Mrs Dale Mr and Mrs Alvis were In hh Salt Lake for lor sealing ordinances In In th the Temple They They vere were acc d there by Mr and Mrs Harvey And jond Roy Harold M M. M I. I was was hospitalized hospital hospital- zed last week with an operation for lor removal of a growth on h hs h's s left Jaw law He lie is s reported to be begetting begetting begetting getting along well well but Is h taking j j 1 I a It brief brier layoff from his Is duties tit tut StAte stale State Read foret Foreman n while white re- re Mrs Mra Ted ro Foster ter and Mrs Lydin Lyd Lyd- la in attended I d a R bridal shower ro In Morgan Monday evenIng evenIng evenIng even- even Ing In honor of Mr Mrs Guy Roseman Roseman Rose Rose- man the former Lucille Robin Robin- son lIOn Mrs Mf n Bird of M Mendon don t and Mr and Mrs D Dee e Crockett and three children of bf Smithfield were visitors visitor last lat week at nt the home of Mrs Birds Bird's dau daughter ht r and family Mr and Mrs Harold M. M Rich- Rich Ins I Mr tir and Mrs Mont an and t children n Gene Cane and Julie and Mr and Mrs Mervin visited with their parents Mr and Mr Mrs Mrs I on Sunday I |