Show j Rod Gunn Hurt Hurtin in Car Cat Mishap Friday evening Mr and Mr Douglas Gunn Curia we WOe wei-e e notified that tha their brother Rodney GUn Gunn had been seriously Injured In iL tW car cal accident 35 miles mites east of Rock flock Springs land and was hospital in the Sweetwater County Memorial hospital at 1 RocKSprings RocK Q Springs Wyoming Rod had been released his two year enlistment p period II d In Inthe InI inthe the army and was driving to I Green River Wyo where his Ma parents Mr and Mrs V Vern rn Gunn now live when he came came upon a acar acar acar car that had slid off oft the icy ro told road Into i a ditch h. h 1 Seeing the occupants p nt's attemptIng attempt- attempt ii 1111 Ing to get the ca car out ot tae ditch Rod had stopped to glye Jl his assistance ti t n when v hen hene a e ear driven ruil by a Rock flock Springs man m m. m I cam cam m over the hill bill and not bI being able to stop In time d Into he hemen je e emen men outside the car Four men w were re hospitalized zed The condition of ot all the neS- neS nl night ht was described described as s I fair and good Rod suffered a Ir fractured ft red pelvis pel pet pet- I vis and a punctured punctured- bladder which was very painful I r DOUR took th the bus u. u t fr r Rock j I Springs where he spent pen Saturday I and Sunday with his brother and parents parent All AU Rods Rod's friends here bere wish him hUn a speedy recovery recovery aid aRd a d sometimes we wonder wonder wonder-If It it pays paS to be a Good Samaritan |