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Show I WHAT'S BEHIND THE ( i FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM? f . - ' The extensive resources of the Federal Reserve ' ' System are great enough to cope with any financial situation. . ; . ' . ' This fact was very effectively demonstrated dur- . ing the business depression of the past two years. This Bank is proud, indeed, that it has the privilege priv-ilege to be a member of the Federal Reserve Sys-tem Sys-tem and associated with an institution that means - so much in our national banking business. Bingham State Bank BINGHAM, UTAH OFFICERS - L. S. Cates, Pres. Sherman Armstrong, 1st. Vice Pres. C. E. Adderly, Vice Pres. Leo F. Tietjen, Cashier New Wasatch Hotel Sunshine in Every Room" For accomodations like home, stop at 78 WEST BROADWAY SALT LAKE CITY J ' Say It With Fltwers Give us your orders for all kinda of cut flowers, potted plants and ferns NEIL O'DONNELL Phone 17 JACK'S PLACE G. M. Gregory, Prop. . WE SERVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING SOFT DRINKS AND EATS J. FISHING TACKLE of all Kinds GUNS, SHELLS and all HUNTING SUPPLIES OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS . O'Donnell & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Bingham Canyon Phone 17 NEIL O'DONNELL, Manager Main Office, Salt Lake City. Phone Wasatch 6461 teJMMMHw - LARK MERCANTILE . . ... ...-.' ' " - ,, ,. ., Y: ' Y I1 H Y'Y GENERAL MERCHANDISE FRESH AND CURED MEATS 1' 'I . LARK, UTAH Phone Wasatch 2881 Y 77 West 2nd South St. Salt Lake City : American Railway Express Co. JOHN HOGAN, Agent Phone 186 470 Main Street WANTED A woman to wrap bread. Apply Standard Bread Co. Phone 187 536 Main Street BINGHAM Across the street from the Postoffice, Mr. Hogan has been appointed State Auto Inspector Inspec-tor for Bingham and can furnish you with new auto plates. I I KENY0N HOTEL i . - LOCATED IN CENTER OF CITY ABSOLUTELY MODERN "Where yon can always find a Binghamite" Main and Second South Street SALT LAKE CITY The Woman's Bank UTo matrons who desire a household account a place to keep their money, we urge that they come to this bank where safety and accuracy are permanent. TlWhen you have a tidy sum saved we will advise as to investment. in-vestment. This is a service we cheerfully render our patrons. pa-trons. The Central Bank of Bingham BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH WE SPECIALIZE In Cakes and Pastry fresh every day and are prepared to serve yon with any particular pastry if ordered a day ahead OUR DREAD IS WELL KNOWN IN THIS CAMP AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE BEST Standard Bread Co. BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH 536 Main St., Phone 187 Fancy California Oranges BEST IN THE WORLD ) Large Size. Only 23 cents per dozen. Per Case $4.50 Half Case $2.25 PHONE 63 Wells Groceteria ; , |