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Show BUILT-IN TANKS BIG GARAGE AID Among Other Advantages, Provide Means of Lessening Less-ening Fire Risk. Nearly every owner of a car has looked with envious eyes at various kinds of gasoline storage tanks and wished he had the advantages they provide In the way of lessening fire risk, making possible the purchase of giusollne In quantity at lower cost, and furnishing a convenient method of filling the car while In the garage. Very little new can be told about these tanks or the method of Installing them, but It Is possible to provide one for less. expense than would be Imng-lned. Imng-lned. Any car owner can put in a tank at a cost of only a few dollars for material If he will give his own time in making the installation. Inexpensive Materials. The materials required are a 5fi-gnl-lon oil tank, obtainable at a cost of about $2; about Ave feet of 2-Inch srought Iron pipe : approximately eight feet of three-quarters-Inch Iron pipe; one three-quarters-Inch pipe nipple; one 2-inch pipe cap; one three-quarters-inch globe valve; two three-quarters-inch pipe elbows ; four feet of flexible flex-ible metal tubing, or fabric tubing, 1 Inch Inside diameter; and one air valve, such as Is tised with an inner tube. A threading die for the three-quarters-Inch pipe to cut the standard 14 hosx vw.vt vaiv-. pump Ti7np"tJ turns) jj" J'pipc-! ccour-to-. fly- ItATMUf WSHLt i - .t j OCTM. Or HAMDLt CASOLWC IMtV Pressure From Air Pump Is Used' for Raising Gasoline From This Cheaply-Made Underground Storage Tank. threads an Inch and a die o cut the 2-inch pipe with 11 standard threads are used in making the connections. After fitting the pipe as shown and cementing the threads with pipe dope or shellac, install the tank three feet under ground at the left side of the entrance of the garage, If your car has a rear tank. Kor n car with a cowl tank, a location about six feet from the opposite end of the garage Is more desirable. Operated by Air. The operation of the tank Is by nie:ins of air, and merely Involves the connecting of the air pump with the valve and the opening of the outlet valve. A fixed type of pump, with short barrel and lever, can be used to advantage not only as a gasoline pump, but also as a serviceable ti.-e pump. Kven If a new pump Is purchased, pur-chased, the cost for materials should not be more than $10. This device makes It a simple matter mat-ter to pump gasoline Into the auto tank while cleaning or tuning up the car. O. A. I.uers in the Popular Science Monthly. |