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Show WOMEN! BEWARE! REFUSE IMITATIONS Warning I Not All Package Dyet Are "Diamond Dyes." Always ask for "Diamond Dyes" and If you don't see the name "Diamond Dyes" on the package refuse it hand It back! Each 15-cent package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint skirts, dresses, waists, sweaters, stockings, kimonos, coats, draperies, coverings everything new, even If she has never dyed before. Choose any color at drug store. Refuse substitutes ! SAY ''BAYER" when you buy-e Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fofj " Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago ' , Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism At P XA;cePt on,y "Bayer" pnekaga which contains proven directions. iJV' riaudy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet AIbo bottles of 24 and 100 Druggist. Aiptrta U th trd mark of Bjrer MBufactor of MonoaceUcicldoter or SallcjUcMld Spinsters naturally oppose men who do not propose. Wedded love la founded on esteem. GIRLS! HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 85-Cent "Danderine" Does Wonders for Lifeleea, Neglected Hair. fA gleamy mass of luxurlunt hair full of gloss, lua-tor lua-tor and life shortly short-ly follows a genuine genu-ine toning up of neglected scalps with dependable "Danderine." Falling hair, Itching scalp and the dandruff Is corrected Immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair Is quickly invigorated, invigo-rated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty. "Dnnderlne" Is delightful on the hair; a refreshing, stimulating tonic not sticky or greasy I Any drug store. Advertisement MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute Substi-tute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infanta ia arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Prorew directions on each package. Phy ticiant everywhere recommend it. cIwo pleasant ways fC3N 0 to relieve a cougli (pM SK !ZA Take your choice and ault 1 J$$sti4 your ta,te' S or Menthol JvLAk (HtSlH flavor. A sure relief for coughs, MJpr$r mjMff colds and hoarseness. Put one yWjcM' jf 'f in your mouth al bedtime. thadb Alwaya keep m box on hand. maiui SMITH BROTHERS g c"9.n, .peps lkMairriTiiiiiiiWi 1 1 mn ami i I TrTrjr "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS-IOcABOX Cures Biliousness, Constipation, Sick. Beadache.Indlgestlon. Drug stores. Adr 75 of disease avoided through internal cleanliness WHY run the risk of sickness? Keep clean in- yf, VS ternally. When you are constipated, poisons rrj,Va form in the accumulated food waste. These poisons, Svkvw' absorbed by the blood, attack all parts of the body. tckmhM" The first results, headache, biliousness, a feeling of km iutiHZ"" "heaviness," etc., serve as warnings of a graver danger. If this intestinal poisoning continues unchecked, you become the victim of some serious organic disease. ' This is why intestinal specialists state that constipation is the primary pri-mary cause of three-quarters of all illness, including the gravest diseases dis-eases of life. . Laxatives Aggravate Constipation JjNjto Laxatives and cathartics do not overcome constipation, says a noted 1,Vav. authority, but by their continued use tend only to aggravate tne condition and often lead to permanent injury. fiV-m Why Physicians Favor Lubrication I f jv' Medical science, through knowledge of the intestinal tract ill k t a gained by X-ray observation, has found at last in lubrication MVv a means of overcoming constipation. The gentle lubricant, y Nujol, penetrates and softens the hard food waste and thus Wtihin a o,iy astens ts passage through and out of the body. Thus Nujol tLum brings internal cleanliness. Ao a Medicine Nujol is used in leading hospitals and is prescribed by physicians throughout through-out the world. Nujol is not a medicine or laxative and cannot gripe. Like pure water it is harmless. Get rid of constipation and avoid disease by adopting the habit of internal inter-nal cleanliness. Take Nujol as regularly as you brush your teeth or wash your face. For sale by all druggists. """"" rir "I" iiWhsvlS I - Rte. us. fr. off. ."'Z. ,' I For Internal Cleanliness lH4M: U W " ill II I in mi ii ii i iii mi mm , ill : ...-.-'L. 7..,"' ',. . 1mmmm , |