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Show , , 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "M4 H ;: ODD PHILOSOPHY) :: I; By BUCK CAMPBELL When a stat legislature diet, ; ; i there fire usually no flowers. " ;; ! '. The uvcrage man will go out ! '. ' of his way to meet temptation. ; A crank Is a nuisance natil " '. '. he becomes rich. Then he Is an " " eccentric. j : : ; It Is all right to say what you think If your think-eap Is all right and your thoughts are In - - the right channel. :: The man who marries the ' ! ) wrong girl may console himself ! I ;; with the thought that the right ! '. one would not have him. :: '.' There were some pretty hot days during the summer, but nothing compared to sitting as " a Judge In a baby show. 1 :: ; The fellow who has been " raised In an Impure atmosphere ' ' !j often takes offense at the rose- scented life of his neighbor. :: ; ; Ilome often Is merely a place ; ' ! ! where you get your mall. ;;. Never marry for money until you are sure of getting It ) . (. 1(14, Weitorn Niwpmar Union.) ' '"l"l M I i'M-l "I III I II I 1 M"M"t"H |