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Show C3HOEBS Jlfter every meal A pleasant T'li and agreeable fT, .tLjfffa sweet and WTll f I-a-s-t-I-n-g fil jH I , benefit $tl Good lor fuffiL fu teetb. breatb sJS. I and digestion. f M f Makes tb I next eloalk. llf taste better, f vf ALLWOMEfJ WHO WORK Should Know how this Worker was Made Strong and Well by lydia L Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Zahl,N. Dakota. "I wae nervous and weak and waa not regular. I alao had lis 8, s nervous break- lr ! down following an I stV" il operation, I am a ItlstL 4i'.J dressmaker and mii- ml &. i i liner' 1 H.lrf- work for told me of . J,'JL Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Cpm-m Cpm-m v. $ pound. I am taking ft t and it has made il""c':-"JMlme well and able to do my work again. I have even helped take care of a sick neighbor recently, so you can see how fit I am. I highly praise your medicine and you may use my letter let-ter as you see fit. I hope it will help some other woman." Mrs. Ole Nord-LEIN, Nord-LEIN, Box 23-Zahl, North Dakota, Over 121,000 women have so far replied re-plied to our question, "Have you received re-ceived benefit from taking Lydia EL Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound ?" 98 per cent of these replies answer "Yes." This means that 03 out of every 100 women taking this medicine for ailments ail-ments for which it is recommended are benefited by it, For sale by all drug-' drug-' gists. Turns Bed to Cure Insomnia Insomnia victims have found strange cures, such as counting Imaginary sheep passing through a gate, but an !nn keeper In Europe, when she discovers dis-covers one of her guests has not slept veil, turns his bed so It will face In mother direction. She maintains from tier long experience In catering to the wnifort of travelers that some are "East and Westers," while others are 'North and Southers," or "West and Sasiers," when It comes to sleeping. Cutlcura Soap for the Completion. Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap Jnlly and Ointment now and then as aeeded to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum, and you have the CTutlcura Toilet Trio. Advertisement Horses indMulcs taf'l'l can be kept on their feet and working work-ing If owners give "SPOHN'S" for Distemper, 1 nfl urnra, ShippingFever. Coughs and Coldv Cheapest and surest means of escaping these diseases. dis-eases. Occasional doses work wonder. won-der. Give "SPOHN'S" for Dog Distemper. Used for thirty yean. 60 cents and $1.20 at drug stores. A Simple, Safe, Sure Remedy for all local nches and pains due to taking cold or over exertion Is an Allcock's Plaster. Adv. MOTHER! Child's Best Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" life Hurry Mother 1 Even a bilious, const con-st lna ted, feverish child loves the pleasant pleas-ant taste of "California Pig Syrup" and It never fails to open tbo bowels. A teaspoonf ul today may prevent a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California "Cali-fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an Imitation fig syrup. Mrs. A.jWhil The Appealing Charm of Perfect Health Sfloam, Colo. "I was sick for two years, could not regain my old time) . strength after motherhood, had no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep. I lost fifteen pounds in weight My friends all thought I1 bad lung trouble, I got so thin and pale. All the medicine the doctors fave me failed to belt) me. One day read about Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and decided to try it I got a bottle right away and after the first few doses I began to feel better. I took four bottles and it certainly did wonders for me. I can't say too much for this 'Medical Discovery Dis-covery and alwuyi recommend it to piy friends." Mrs. A. A. White. When run-down you can quickly rick up and regain vim, vigor, vitality by obtaining this Medical Discovery of Dr. Pierce's At your nearest drug tore in tablets Or liquid, or send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce's. Invalid' Hotel, Butfalo, N. y. HalPs Catorrb Medicine rid your ifitan of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. $M H drwat fm mm 40 ymn P. J. CHENEY 6. CO, Toledo, Ohio Green's Acgust Flower The remedy wia a record of fifty-seven years of urptsin eiotUenre- Al who suffer with aerrouf dyspepsia, sour to-sca. to-sca. constipation, indigestion, torpid liver, dizziness, headaches, comint-op of food, vtad on stomach, palpitntioa sod c4her indirtijoiH of digestive disorder, w8! fiad Gnu? Kwxsx Flower sa effective tad efficient remedy.lor fifty-seven years this medicine hit been sttrtxsihilly ned in millions of households all orer (be chU-brd chU-brd world. Because of Us merit and pop-nltrity pop-nltrity AUGUST PLOWLR eta be found today wherever medicines are sold. 30 and 90 cent boll Irs. 1 A safe and toothing .remedy for cuts, bum, or kin troubles. trou-bles. Protects, re-litvunndheahv.Tale re-litvunndheahv.Tale . : InternIlyforcougIiS and sure throats. Vaseline PETROLEUM JELLY Chemrhrough Mfg. Co.,CoB,'d. 1 Sou St. Nrw LI .1 I L H I V ii(iiii"ii. iiiiiiwiii'ifiwiwi. rli I III I il ast nnu. rMii(nn i. ' I II I L-l t I V Hur1. Wtttitoii K. ;',,liiinil, I B.Hikli-t KHH. r.tol Urr,4 l.,..H"K.l.4 1 BATHE TIRED EYES"rv7 H"T at . jriHif lrtinmr or CN' Jpiil" I tlfll UHr,Trr.T. N. V. flo..kmt. W. N. U.. Salt Lake City, No. 9--K2. CIM5 COLDS tZ4HDDnf ' BUBCJJt. W-H-HILJ. CD. KICHICAH. Shave With Cutlcura Soap The New Way AVKhont MufJ ! HA IK BALSAM ! IVmy.liKirnfl u4al VUlm ' n -Jl Kti'm CoUw and .-7, "B BMtllr to (ir. n) F a.l lUil ( v.j . tit f iTwrww, ; if j 1 1 -"'- t,m-" tlL ''''' :" KIMDERCORN3 r-.c. ci-arm. ci-arm. .. all p. Ln. rvmi :nm ..rc,r to V ' IM, wilo li "'! OUMf ' cULa. illn.jl I ft.iiitf-al Wurta, lblv.Kil n. 1 |