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Show DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without tsar If You 8ee the Safety "Bayer Cross." . Warning) Unless yoa see the name "Beyer" on package or on tablets you are not gottlng the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years. Say "Bayer" when yoa buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dungerous. Adv. i I II II I I I I II DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 60 years. Drug tores snd general stores sell bottles of "Dandelion'' for 85 cents. Adv. Thousands Keep wi Good Health by taking one or two Brandrcth rills st bed time. They cleanse the system snd purify the blood. Adv. r i - . Salt Lake City Firms To wnn prompt ttnlt and quick ritimi to th advartuemfnU mtntlon Iht nan af thla paper. ' A BARBER IN EIGHT WEEKS ' Writa Moler Harbtr Col.. 114 Krsent St 8. U BUSINESS COLLEGES L. U. 8. HIJMINES8 COLLEGE. School of Elticlcncr. All commercial branchra. Cataloi frr. CO N. Main St.. Salt Lak Cltr. HOOKS AM) SHORT STORIES pnnrc Anr bonk yno want hy mall, C O. I DUUnj Ix-M-rrt llook Co. 44 rjint Si. Tcmiilo BONGS A SHEET MUSIC rrtkire new and old All klmla, Shwt mmlo by OUllUJ mHi. Ilrclcy Mimic Co. 57 S Main CREAM WANTED SHIP DIRECT Dire Cream Shlncnta Pay Moat Money Sfnd a trial can Blarkman A Griffin Company, Onrfrn. t'lah. CLASH PINS f I CC DIWC Wlirn In need. "lon.t forwt u.' VUtJJ 1 1HJ Weniiikccri-iirnllkiiiilof)cw elry P J. Leid' Ml, Ji-wrU-r. Ill Main, I Iwlaira. "Say it With Flowers" Fresh Cut Flowers at All Times Hobday's Flower Shop Keith r.inporiutn Itlilg. Salt Ijike Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION sOlfiS 6 Bell-ans rf&A Hot water y t Sure Relief 254 AND 75 PACXAGES EVERYWHERE niiEur.Misn CANNOT KXI3T In the htimmi body If you will uaa Trunk a 1'reacrlMlon. It la a ali&nitt to aufTor with lnllam-matory, lnllam-matory, mum-ular, solatia or any form of rhttumatlam. T11 prf-aorlptlon dooa not ruin the atonmcli. It Uowa not dopreas th liMrt. i Kat all tlift meat and gnnd food you i wlah whiin taklna; Trunk s 1'rea. rlp- i tlon. Contain no munniry, salicylate ; sodn. oil wlnlcrproon or narcotic, but poaitlvi-ly ovrraomn any kind of rhoiliualirttn or (tout on eiirtli. Whot ! mor do you wnt? There la nothing! Jut !!, and It Is lmpolhM to ! pret som.'ihlni better. 'J ho Krmtleit urto mid solvent known and also a ' superior llvrr nif-dlrlnr. Trunk's l'i serlptlon sells for $1 T5 1 or t f.ir f fi 00 at druir to?-s. ' Trunk Hr'.H. DniK 'o., Denver, :, I iv0 : I A DnnttBSrtanfo . InlUnwl ; fLV -nifi.oi f with (Miwwr- ' M f" r"' llrl'k" ' Jn-Pix-I 'Hi . f I , IT 'oil. A anotliua f u bent 16c.T)Ui all . " j H NawIorkCilf f p 'sA'O-'l Save money on eed purchases Our tetdt teited and proved Dealers In licld s( -ls, seed grains, seed potatoes, jr.-inlen seeds in bulk, etc. We solicit your correspondence W'nfe for Prict Card Cache Valley Seed & Prod. Co. Smithficld, Utah |